Pocket Dimension v1.2
Pocket Dimension is a simple Role-Playing game in the Rogue style, although with a
3D perspective. It is written in PocketC.


Come and visit our web site. We have a web board for discussion if you want to know the
inner working of Pocket Dimension or if you wish to use the Dimension Engine to create your
own Role-Playing game!



In this package you should find
readme.txt -> This file.
PocketC.prc -> PocketC runtime. Necessary to play the game.

This game is written in PocketC. In the zip file there is a file called PocketC.prc. This file must be installed. If you are a PocketC developer and have the full version of PocketC do not install the runtime version.

Simply install all the files using the Palm Desktop or your favourite install program
and you should find the icon on your Palm in the unfiled category.

NOTE: If you are upgrading from an earlier version, your hotsync may give you some warnings. The creator id has changed on some of the files allowing for an easier uninstall. Also the previous version had a file called DngMons.pdb that is now part of the main file. To delete this database you can enter PocketC, and from the dropdown menu choose databases, then find DngMons and delete it. PocketC now allows databases to have the same creator id as the main program so all supporting files can be deleted automatically when you uninstall the game. In previous versions they would belong to PocketC and be removed when PocketC was uninstalled.

New Features:

- Option for Real Death or saved games. You can have one saved game, saves are automatic when you switch out of the application or by choosing save from the drop down menu.
- Inventory will automatically identify potions and scrolls as they are used successfuly.
- WC - Weapon class is shown on the character screen. This number will give you an idea of the weapon's value. Only identified weapons will show this stat.
- Monsters are grayscale.
- Inventory system has been re-coded. Major speed increase.
- A few new surprises when wandering through the dungeon.

Beta Releases:

We are constantly working on this game. Please send email with any suggestions for improvements to or visit our website and post on the message board.

If you are interested in the newest release available, we are starting to provide beta versions on the web board for downloading. These versions are for fans to help test new versions and aid in improving the program.

Playing the Game:

When you start the game after the title screen and prologue you will have a chance to
create your character. You may change the name and choose if you want randomly generated
maps or if you would like to try a set of hand-tooled maps (chosen randomly from a list).
Your character also has three statistics which define his or her physical characteristics.
STR is strength, Dex is dexterity and CON is Constitution. Each statistic is used in the
game for various checks or features.

To move around the hardbuttons, or screen taps are used. Forward and backwards are the pageup and pagedown buttons, to turn left use the address button and turn right is the todo button. The datebook brings up your inventory screen, and the memopad button displays your overhead map (to exit from the map just tap the screen). To use screen taps, just tap which direction you wish to go, with the bottom left being the character screen and the bottom right being the map.


There are many items in Pocket Dimension (over one hundred at the moment). Most items you
get will have vague names, so that you aren't sure what exactly might happen if you use
them. To find out for sure what an item is, you must identify the item. There are special
items you can find with are able to identify other items, you will know them when you see

If you are lucky enough to find a weapon, or armour, you need to EQUIP them to use them.
Be careful because there are restrictions. A weapon that is two-handed will have a 2H in
the name, which will then not allow you to use a shield.

Most of the items that you find are good and useful, but there are some that are not. You
have been warned. There are items that will kill you if you are foolish or unlucky. This is not a bug!


Combat is simple. When a fight starts you move to a combat screen, you will have the option to run, fight or use. Use takes you to the inventory screen and will let you use an item. Most items will use a round and take you back to the combat screen immediately, although you still get a chance to attack. When you decide to fight initiative is taken and then you each get a turn beating on each other. Run again takes initiative and if you win, then you are able to make your escape. If you lose then you are stuck for at least one more round. You can try to run once each turn.


Walking around heals you at a rate dependant upon your constitution. Even if you have an 18
constitution, it still comes back slowly.


Winning combat will gain you some experience points and eventually increase your level.
Gaining a level increases your maximum hit points and thankfully, your current hit points.
Gaining levels also makes more powerful items available...and more powerful monsters.

Saving the Game:

If you have chosen Real Death at the start of the game, then when your character dies, it is DEAD. No save game no rescue. If you have gone the easy route and allowed save games then once you die you will go back to the last saved game.

If you are alive and well then you can either choose to save the game from the drop down
menu or you can simple switch to another application. Saving takes about 7 seconds.

When you return to the game you will find yourself right where you were.


If you have any bug report, suggestions, criticisms please send them to

I want to make this game a fun way to pass the time wherever you are.

Version History:

Changes in this release - 1.2

- More monsters!
- Changed the algorithm for which monsters you can meet on a dungeon level. It is static now instead of
depending on the character level and dungeon level. So don't rush down and expect weak critters!

Version - 1.12

- The pit can't drop you past level 10.

Version 1.11

- Bugfixes:
- Fixed "Resource Database missing" errors. PocketC was reporting failures when the database was installed correctly.
- Fixed Trolls blood bug at ending.
- Fixed A map bug when quitting the game and NOT saving, it would still save the map only.

Version - 1.1

- Option for Real Death or saved games. You can have one saved game, saves are automatic when you switch out of the application or by choosing save from the drop down menu.
- Inventory will automatically identify potions and scrolls as they are used successfuly.
- WC - Weapon class is shown on the character screen. This number will give you an idea of the weapon's value. Only identified weapons will show this stat.
- Monsters are grayscale.
- Inventory system has been re-coded. Major speed increase.
- A few new surprises when wandering through the dungeon.
- All known bugs fixed
- Supported models minimum is now PalmIIIe and OS 3.1 - must support gray.

Version - 1.05

- Map screen speedup
- Fixed timers so that they don't bother you beyond the grave.
- Fixed regeneration bugs.
- Dropping an equipped item should not cause problems. (I say should because this has been
fixed far too many times!)
- Moved hosts, so download and website problems should be fixed.
- Which means - NEW website.
Come and visit us, post a question on the web board!

Version - 1.02

- Fixed infinite load loop when a dead character was saved.
- Fixed Paralyze Monster divide by zero BOMB
- Fixed dropping equipped items
- Added Save menu option
- Added warning to Save & Quit menu option
- Updated readme finally. :)

Version - 0.8

- Fixed a phantom wall while facing north.
- Fixed Top 5 rank bug which showed a curious player's rank in the wrong spot, while showing a partially empty table.
- Discard event before fighting, and popups to help prevent the fast player from getting into too much trouble by accident. (Strangely the game runs TOO quickly and now we have problems. :)
- Fixed Strength bonus when potion is used.
- Added autoequipped weapons and armour when you reload
- Fixed Clear Ranks menu item, it didn't do a thing
- Tidied up Rank menu.

Version - 0.7

- Fixed a teleport bug, that didn't check map type and could result in a fatal exception
if the player was unlucky enough.
- Added hardbutton support for many tap screens, and graphic button events. In most situations push the button that matches the position of the graphic button.
- A polluted fountain is MUCH less likely to kill the player.
- HP now displayed on main dungeon screen, by request.
- Fixed blank screen bug when selecting New Game from the menu while already on the character generation screen.
- Added the EndGame. Game now ends on Level 10.
- Removed the ok message for equipping items.
- Added Hi-Score Table.
- Fixed crash bug (hopefully) when killed on a turn when you regenerate a HP AND you get a random monster attack all in the same turn. (Nasty to track down!)
- Added a Compass to main dungeon screen.
- Added a 500ms pause to ok messages so that you have a chance to read them if using only pen input. This may need adjustment, send requests for timing.

Version 0.66

- Graphics use the new GrayLib library. No actual gray yet (the artist needs some time on
that) but the graphics are drawn directly from the resource database.
- The map hardbutton is now a toggle, you can use a screen tap or the map button again to
exit, by request.
- Added more healing items to have a good ratio of useful to harmful potions.
- Fixed crash bug when killed by a potion in the inventory screen while not in combat.
- Added screen taps for all hardbuttons, by request.
- Added Stat help under Info menu, by request.

Version 0.65

- Initial Beta-release.