HaLPaRoTuKTioNS' GamePack vol.1 (v0.21) (27/03/2000)

Cool games included:

MemGame v0.65 Almost finished
Jumping Hubert 2000 v(2).0.53 Almost finished
Whack o Palmx v0.11 Almost finished
SpalmInvaders v0.01 Use at your own risk!!!
Dangerous v0.101 Beta level

Changes from 0.20 to 0.21:

+New, faster version of Dangerous
+Jumping Hubert is now 2x faster than it was
+SpalmInvaders speedup

There was a good example of bad programming... that's why these
games we're so slow earlier... but now I was even forced to slow
down the Jumping Hubert 'cause it's speed :)

Freeware / Beerware *see note*
Copyright (C) 2000 K3 / HaLPaRoTuKTioNS
All Rights Reserved

For more? great PalmOS software, visit
(there's all kind on if misc stuff, mostly unfinished projects
like these games :) But but... naah)


General note for all games... these games will suck the life out of your
batteries... Sorry! Yeah they do!
Secondly I haven't done any testing on other Palm devices that PalmV and
PalmOS 3.3 which I use, so there's no quarantee that these progs will
work on different machines and OS versions...

MemGame for the Palm is a simple game. In the first round memgame will
give you one box to tap... You have 5 secs to tap that box...
...After that WAIT!!! just WAIT and at the second round you're given
two boxes... (one from the first round and a new)...
wait until the both boxes were shown and after that tap em in right order!!!

...and so on. After a while you've to remember a long string...
and in the every round there will be added a new box to tap at the end.

I'm not so good at explaining this game, just launch it and see what it
doesand doesn't...

*Make it look better
*Add a different game mode... where speed matters

Just try to put the Hubert in to the case at the top of the screen!
Get 3 Huberts in there and you'll get to the next level (a little more gravity)

Control the trampoline at the bottom of the screen...
remember that on the right side of the tramp hubert jumps to left
and so on... ...let's not make things too easy, I put some random things
in this game... You don't know how much left, right or up Hubert the little
bastard will jump!
Use the calendar and memo buttons for fast moving
and phonebook and todo slow moving...

(btw. I first tried to make some kind of arkanoid clone, but while coding
I got this idea of jumping man... (the game engine works fine with arkanoid
style game also... maybe I'll later add some bricks to brake)

Did you know that the first Adventure of the famous Hubert was in the late
of 20th century... Hubert was in a dangerous cave and stupid he was ->
He could not get out of there by his own...
You can download this DOS game from
(Note: The game is in finnish (I think so) and... You might not understand
the instructions :), but don't panic, just try something)

*Speed, Speed!!! -DONE-
*Score saving

Just use your stylus to tap those palm logos back to your Palm...

*Alter the speeding system... (current sucks!)
*Multiple logos on the screen
*Score saving

This is a hybrid between arkanoid and space invaders. just use
the pad and ball to destroy all the aliens.

or I mean that the basic game engine works somehow but there
is nothing more... Send suggestions!!!

You are Hubert and your mission is to fly your space ship from left to right.
Yeah. It's that simple. There are some bots away and caves to slow down.
...and every 5th round there is a HUGE mothership, just wait until it opens
it mouth and fly into it!!!

*Speed optimization... some done, but still this is way too slow.
*Living Caves (I've done em, but they way too slow (perhaps I should try to
learn programming))

Unpack... of course you have unpacked the zip-file 'cause you're reading
this... or something

And after that sync 'em to your palm.

These are pocketC applets so you have to also install that one...
You can download Pocket c from
and execute from the pocket_c... see pocket_c's manual...
(The runtime might not be enough... you should get the compiler???
and run these games from there...)



SnailM: Ari Kemppainen
Raastuvankatu 46 BB 12
FIN-65100 Vaasa

Note about Freeware & Beerware
These games are absolutely FREE... ...but after all it's quite shitty
to launch these games from the Pocked C program... So if you like to
launch one or more of my games (or future games) directy from the PalmOS
launcher you should send me money :) (amount is up to you... (please if
you decide to "register" send US$ or FIM cash))

...I'll save that money and after I have enough money then I'll buy a
good compiler / IDE for making much more better games and other stuff...
(...or just register the Pocket C :))

Beerware (for Finish only): T�m� teksti on l�hinn� Suomalaisille
pelaajille... joten se kirjoitankin sen suomeksi. Eli jos ja kun tykk��t
pel(e)ist�, niin rekister�inti tapahtuu siten, ett� kun tapaamme niin
saat luvan tarjota minulle yhden kaljan!!!