S25 Midi
1999, Rui Oliveira (

S25 Midi is a simple free program for the 3Com Palm organizer enabling you to
beam 1-track midi files to the Siemens S25 mobile phone.

Midi files should be loaded into the pilot as prc/pdb files created with
the mfftoprc by Tom Zerucha. The source of mfftoprc, a Linux and a Windows
binary are included in directory midi2prc.

In directory melodies you have about 300 melodies I found on the Web.

S25 Midi comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. Use at your own risk.

19/09/1999 - East Timorese are dying and need your help.
S25 Midi is freeware. However, if you find it useful I'd
be grateful if you send a donation to the East Timor people to:

Rui Oliveira
Dep. Informatica
Universidade do Minho
Campus de Gualtar
4700 Braga

I'll forward your donation to the portuguese commissariat to help East Timor.