Warfare Incorporated Copyright 2003 SpiffCode, Inc Files ===== In the .zip you'll find these files: - Warfare Incorporated.prc (Original file, DEMO VERSION) - Warfare Incorporated.patched.prc (Patched file, FULL VERSION) - htdata416.pdb - game data for 160x160 grayscale screens - htdata816.pdb - game data for 160x160 & 160x240 color screens - htdata824.pdb - game data for 320x320 & 320x480 color screens - htsfx.pdb - game data for sound effects - MQGX.prc - graphics acceleration for Sony Clie and m130 Palm devices How to install Palm version =========================== Install: - Warfare Incorporated.patched.prc - htsfx.pdb - One of these files - htdata816.pdb for 160x160 color (M515/M130/M505) - htdata824.pdb for 320x320 color (Zire 71/Tungsten T or T2, Sony Clié etc...) - htdata416.pdb for 160x160 grayscale (Palm III or V with MORE than 2 megs free memory!!) - If running on a Sony Clie or a Palm m130, install MQGX.prc. Launch "Warfare Incorporated" from the launcher. The patching was done using PWCPP from pilotwarez group. Enjoy!