Thank you for your purchase of Circle_Bronze theme for ZLauncher 3.x!


No graphics from this theme are to be extracted, and/or manipulated in any way without the express written approval from the developer of this theme.

Please Note:
Background Files begin with the filename of ZLB
Theme Files begin with the filename of ZLT

List of Files:

Graphic Backgrounds:

ZLB_Circle_Bronze_HR.jpg            - Background for HiRes (320x320x16bit) Devices able to utilize .jpg images.
ZLB_Circle_Bronze_HR.pdb           - Background for HiRes (320x320x16bit) Devices able to utilize .pdb images.
ZLB_Circle_Bronze_HR_PLUS.jpg - Background for HiRes (320x480x16bit) Devices able to utilize .jpg images.
ZLB_Circle_Bronze_HR_PLUS.pdb - Background for HiRes (320x480x16bit) Devices able to utilize .pdb images.


Theme Files:

ZLT_Circle_Bronze_OS5.prc - Theme for NON-SONY OS5 PDAs  with 320x320 or 320x480 16bit HiRes Displays
ZLT_Circle_Bronze_Sony.prc - Theme for SONY PDAs with 320x320 or 320x480 16bit HiRes Displays

ReadMe File:

README_Circle_Bronze_Registered.html (This File)


Theme Installation Instructions:

If you have a memory stick:

1> Please load either, or even both, of the appropriate Graphic Backgrounds into your ZLauncher's BackImage subdirectory using a utility like MSImport
2> Please load the Appropriate Theme File into your ZLauncher's Theme subdirectory using a utility like MSImport.

If you do NOT have a memory stick:

1> Please use your handheld installer tool to install the appropriate background .pdb file and the theme file.
2> Perform a Hotsync to install the theme and background image into you handheld.

Once the Files have been installed, please use the ZLauncher's Theme Manager to select both your background and skin for use.



For More Themes by this developer you can go to and search for frankus

If you have any questions and/or concerns regarding this skin or other skins I have produced, feel free to contact me:

Author: Jeff Frankus
ZLauncher Theme Developer for
Author's Email:
Support Email: