2/27/2002 - Version 1.01

Title : No Bones About it: DX
Timeline : Season 01 - Episode 04
Filename : Bones.pdb
Additional Files : Bones.gif (Overworld Map)
Author : Robert Denner
Email Address : paladin@nycap.rr.com
Homepage : http://home.nycap.rr.com/paladin/
Other Non-KQ Maps : Doom, Duke 3D, & Quake maps available at my homepage.

* Play info *

Background Info :

You've been sailing for weeks now to meet up with your companion in the town of Jaronnia.  But when you get there, you learn of the pirates that have been torturing the town and you must now find your companion and escape the mountainous lands.

Spells : None
Sounds : None (I'm no composer...)
Bugs : None that I know of
Build Time : About three months?
Play-Test Engine   Version 1.44 (W98)

Brand New Features!

No Bones About it DX is an updated version of No Bones About it DC (The DC in the latter means Director's Cut, while DX means Deluxe.) As well as the obvious color upgrade, Bones DX has the following new features:

Item Notes

Certain items can only be used at certain moments in the game. For example, Tents can only be used on the main map, not in caves, towns, or during combat. The way the KQ2 engine works, though, is if you use an item, and it can't be used where you are, you still lose it. So before trying a new item, I suggest saving the game to make sure you don't lose it if it doesn't work.

Also, some weapon/armor/item names have been changed from the KQ1 version to fit in with the improved continuity of my series.


Save often. You will be docked half of your gold each time you die. If you've been saving your progress, you'll be able to reload from your prior save and not have to pay the dying penalty.

I'm not sure how KQ2 looks on a WinCE device, but I must say that it looks much nicer on a color palm than on Win98 (due to the Win98 version's uneven stretching.) If you have the choice of playing it on a Color Palm or Win98, I must suggest the Palm if you want to get the most sharpness out of my level's visuals.

There is also a special grayscale version specially optimized for those players who don't have color palms. It looks better on grayscale palms that the color version of the level does after conversion. It should be available in Kyle's Level Download section.


There are no spells in this game. Kyle is not a wizard or a cleric, or any other class which uses spells. He's a warrior.


I have play-tested the map extensively and have not found any bugs in the level. However, if you find any, please let know. I rarely check my E-Mail, so I suggest using the CrimsonFire Messageboard (Look to see if there's already a bug thread about my level before starting a new one, please.)

Some people are having problems with being able to sell items for a negative amount of gold. It seems to be a bug in the actual game engine, and not my level. If you go to sell something, and it shows that you will get a negative amount of money, do not sell it.


There are no prerequisites for this level.


Visit my Homepage for my other maps and for other programs I have developed. The current URL is listed above. If you find the page missing it must mean that you are reading this several months since I have released it, and I have moved my page. If that is so, just go to a search engine like HotBot or AltaVista and look up things like "Paladin Fanzine" or "Smog Moon Software". You should find the new address very easily that way.


(2/18/2002) 1.0 - Initial Release!
(2/27/2002) 1.01 - Fixed a bug with taming monsters, changed DEX to AGL in the level-up window, and made a few minor graphic changes.

Shout outs:

Special Thanks of course to Kyle Poole (Developer of Kyle's Quest.) Thanks to Mike Mawhinney for testing the level and finding several bugs I had missed. Thanks to Eric Fusciardi for bringing the monster taming bug to my attention.

Thanks also go out to Squaresoft, as it is their graphics I have used for the landscape tiles. They created the grass, deserts, forests, and mountains. They also created a few of the indoor tiles, such as the castle walls and rugs. Monsters and some people are colored in versions of Square's black and white tiles from some of their gameboy games.

Copyright laws allow sampling of copyrighted articles for certain things, such as parodies, as part of the Fair Use statute. Being as my levels are parodies of pop-culture, including, but not limited to, video games, movies, songs, and books, I can legally use such articles.

Thanks also go out to the creators of all the things I spoofed in this level. I'd name them all, but that would spoil the surprises.

The characters and events depicted in this videogame are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, living, dead, living dead, or undead, is purely coincidental.

Legal: (c) 1998, 2000, 2002 Robert Denner. All rights reserved.
This level may be distributed only via the Internet for no charge whatsoever to the recipient provided this text file is included and neither files are altered. If you are interested in placing this map on some sort of commercial map package and/or Disk Media (including but not limited to CD-ROM, DVD, etc) you MUST receive written permission from me first. But be forewarned; I will expect free copies of this package for me and my friends as payment. :)