CONVERTZ (TM) UNITS CONVERSION UTILITY FOR PALM OS (R) Soft-Toolz (TM) Copyright (c) 2001 Introduction This manual assumes that you are already familiar with the operation of the Palm OS device and only covers topics that are specific to the Convertz application. Convertz is a units conversion utility and includes conversion factors for 167 different units of measure. This version of Convertz is built to run on PalmOS devices; operating system versions 2.0 through 3.5. Any of the units conversion utilities that I've seen, have a single conversion line available. When you want to change a value from one unit of measure to another you; select the unit you want to convert from, select the unit you want to convert to, enter your value, and the program displays the equivalent value in the other unit of measure. Convertz is different. Convertz has five different conversion lines on each of five different pages. This gives you a total of 25 different conversion lines that you can set up anyway you want. Why is that better? Well, for one thing, you're not constantly resetting the conversion line. Once you get a line set up, you can leave it that way for awhile. Need a different conversion, use a different line. By eliminating the setup step on the majority of your conversions, converting a value turns into; select the field, enter the number, push the button, and your done. Another advantage is that you can leave the converted values there for future reference. When you shut down Convertz it stores the values and loads them back in the next time you start the program. Having several conversion lines allows you to do things like; compare values, convert the values for several items in a sequence, convert all of the specifications for something (length, width, height, weight, volume, etc.), display them all at once, and then store them for future reference or modification. Who Needs Convertz? The number of conversion factors that are available in this program will make it useful in many different professions. Probably the most obvious is the engineering sciences. Mechanical, electrical, architectural, civil/structural, process control; they will all find this program useful. Thirty years in engineering, one of the first things that I did for each project (when computers were available) was to build something like this into a spreadsheet. Throughout the project that spreadsheet was used to handle all the units conversions that I ran into. I always wished that I could carry something like that around with me. That's how this whole thing got started. Some other professions that may have a use for Convertz would include, construction, excavating, environmental science, freight & shipping, geology, manufacturing, maintenance, agriculture ... the list goes on and on. And, of course students will find this program very useful. For those that are considering purchasing this program and want to find out if Convertz includes the conversion factors that they need, a complete list is included at the end of this manual. So what's with the icon? I've had people ask what that funny looking icon represents. Well, the theme behind the Soft-Toolz line of programs is that they are small efficient programs, each built with a specific function in mind. They aren't built to be glitzy or flashy, they are built to get the job done; kind of like good hand tools. (Hand tools ... for your Palm ... get it?) Anyway, to follow that theme the icons for all of the Soft-Toolz programs are made to represent a whim-z-ical hand tool. For Convertz, the icon is made to represent some sort of magical ring mounted on a handle. The icon shows a ruler of one unit of measurement being shoved into one side of the ring, and a ruler with a different unit of measure is coming out the other. I guess I could have made the icon with quart jugs going in one side and liter bottles come out the other, but I don't think it would have shown up as well. I knew I didn't want to use square miles, square kilometers or acres. You have to fold those up to get them through the loop, and even then it requires a lot of pushing. Very messy. It isn't pretty. I figured the rulers would show up best. Installation Important-Read This! The Convertz installation requires two files. Convertz will not work unless both files are installed. One of these files is the Convertz program itself, "Convertz.prc". The other file is the conversion functions database file, named "CvertzFDB.pdb". These two files are set up to work together. The functions database files for the other types of Convertz programs, (future Convertz Lite, Convertz Plus, etc.) will not work with the standard Convertz program, and the standard Convertz functions database will not work with these other programs. So if you have more than one type of Convertz program, pay attention to the file names, because mixing them up won't work. Before you install Convertz, make sure that you have enough memory to hold the program. Convertz requires a minimum of 60 k free space in memory. To allow for "breathing room" you will have to have something greater than that. Convertz is installed on the PalmOS device using the standard Palm Desktop Install function. To install Convertz on the PalmOS device; * Start Palm Desktop and select the "Install" function. * Push the "Add" button on the "Install Tool" dialog box. * Use the controls on the "Open" dialog box to navigate to the folder that you created for the Convertz program files. ( C:\Convertz by default.) * Select the two files, "Convertz.prc" and "CvertzFDB.pdb" and push the "Open" button. (Holding down the "Ctrl" key as you make the selections allows you to select both files at the same time.) * You should now see the two files listed in the "Install Tool" dialog box. * Push the "Done" button to close the "Install Tool". (Now Convertz will be installed on you PalmOS device during the next Hot Sync operation.) * Perform a Hot Sync to load Convertz onto the PalmOS device. Using Convertz Initial Run & Registration Code When you purchased the Convertz program you were supplied with a registration code. This code is used to verify that you are installing a legal version of the software. Be sure to make a record of the purchase information including the registration code and the associated Palm user name. If you ever have to do a complete reload of the Convertz program, this registration code will be required the first time the program is run. It is also recommended that you save a backup copy of the file that you downloaded on some other media. The first time you run the Convertz program, you are asked to enter the name of the purchaser (maximum 30 characters) and the registration code. Tap the field to select it and enter the required information. If the name is entered and the registration code is valid, the program sets itself up on the device. Otherwise, you will get an error message and you will have to restart Convertz to try again. After the registration code is checked, the "About Convertz" screen is displayed, followed by the help screens for the main "Convertz" page and the "Setup" page. The display of these help screens only happens the first time the program is used and is intended to give a brief overview of the programs functions. After this initial display, the help screens can be recalled for reference at any time by tapping the question mark button located in the upper right corner of each screen. The Main Page Layout The Convertz main screen is divided into five sections, separated by horizontal lines. Each one of these sections makes up a separate conversion line that you can setup and use. There are five different pages like this, making a total of 25 different conversion lines. Within each conversion line, the upper fields hold the numeric values and the lower fields hold the associated unit text. The left fields hold the value and unit that you are converting from, the right fields - the value and unit you are converting to. When you first start Convertz, you will find that all of the units are initially set to "Undefined" and all of the values are set to zero. In the center of each conversion line, there is a button with an equal sign in it. This is the button that you tap to perform the conversion calculation. When you are entering a value, the equal sign goes away; indicating that the values in the left and right fields are no longer equivalent. Setup To setup a conversion line, tap on either of the units fields associated with that line. This will take you to the Setup screen. Note that the top of the Setup screen indicates the page and line number of the conversion line that is being setup. These are for indication only. Their values are determined by the page and the units field you tapped on to get to the Setup screen. There are three pull-down lists on the Setup screen. To set up a conversion line you have to select an item from each of these lists. * Select the "Unit Category:" (area, distance, etc.) * Select the units you are converting from, using the list next to the word "Convert:" * Select the units you want to convert to from the list next to the word "To:" * Tap the "Done" button. Your selection will be stored and you are returned to the Main Convertz screen. You will find that the units on the line you selected to set up, now hold the selections that you made on the Setup screen, and that the values for that line have been zeroed out. Convertz guides you through the setup process by putting the word "Select" in the pulldown list that you need to make the next selection in. You can cancel your selection at any time by tapping the "Cancel" button. If you tap the "Done" button after selecting only one or two items, Convertz doesn't have enough information to complete the setup, so it assumes that you really wanted to cancel the selection and displays a warning message indicating such. If you want to make the conversion the same on several lines, (useful for length, width, height; several items in a sequence; etc.) set up the first line, tap the unit on the second line to go back to the Setup screen, and then tap the "Done" button without selecting anything else. Convertz will use the last setup selections for the current line. Repeat as many times as required. Entering Values Convertz will accept eight characters on the input line. Allowable characters are numbers 0 to 9, the signs "+" and "-", the decimal point, and the letter "e" to indicate scientific notation. If scientific notation is used, the maximum and minimum exponents allowed are plus and minus 80. To enter a value to be converted; * Tap the "convert from" field on the conversion line that you want to use. (Numerical field on the left side.) The value currently in that field will be highlighted and the equal sign will go away. * Enter the value you want converted using the Graffiti pad or the keyboard function. * Tap the center button, where the equal sign was. The calculation will be preformed, the result displayed, and the equal sign will appear again, indicating that the two values are equivalent. Input Value Processing When you enter a value to be converted, Convertz processes the entry in an attempt to make sense of whatever was entered. Convertz uses the following rules in that processing; * If the first character is a sign ("+" or "-") it is used as the sign of the number. Any other signs that appear in the string are ignored unless they immediately follow the letter "e". * The first decimal point that Convertz finds is used as the decimal point for the number. Any other decimal points in the character string are stripped out and thrown away. * Any letters other than the letter "e" that appear in the character string are ignored. * The first letter "e" is used as an indication that scientific notation is being used and that the numbers following it represent a base 10 exponent that is associated with the first numbers entered. (For more information about scientific notation, see the section at the end of this manual.) Any other "e"s following the first one are stripped out and thrown away. * If the first letter "e" appears before any numbers are entered, the whole entry is assumed to be in error and is zeroed out. * If the first character following the letter "e" is a sign, ("+" or "-") it is used as the sign of the exponent. Any other signs following the letter "e" are ignored. * If the sign that was entered for the number or the exponent is "+", it will not be displayed on the input line. Convertz defaults to positive numbers. (Bottom line; only the negative sign needs to be entered, if you enter the "+" sign Convertz will handle it properly, it just won't bother displaying it.) * If the value of the exponent entered is greater than the maximum (80) or less than the minimum (-80), it will be limited to that maximum or minimum value. * If there are no valid numbers that appear in the input line, the entry is zeroed out. After Covnertz processes your input, it redraws the number, to indicate what it interpreted your input to be. Be sure to check this after you make an entry to ensure that what Convertz saw is what you intended to enter. For example; if you accidentally turn the number "6" into the letter "g", by entering it on the wrong side of the Graffiti pad, Convertz will show you that the number "6" is missing when it redraws the input line. Result Display If the result of the conversion calculation is large enough, the output displayed will automatically switch from standard decimal format to scientific notation. (For more information about scientific notation, see the section at the end of this manual.) Changing Pages The pull down list at the top of the main page can be used to select any one of the five pages of conversion lines that are available. The units setup and value entries on all of these pages are saved for later recall. Menus & Help Screens The pulldown menu, available from the main page, allows you to select keyboard input, the Graffiti help screen, and the "About Convertz" screen. The Convertz help screens can be accessed by tapping the "?" button in the upper right corner of the main Convertz screen and the Setup screen. Accuracy The result of the calculation that the program performs is displayed to a precision of six decimal points; seven if the display has switched to scientific notation. Note that the zeros to the right of the decimal point on the display are a function of the display and are not intended to indicate the accuracy of any specific calculation. The conversion functions used in Convertz are usually accurate to at least six significant digits. Many were derived from exact relationships, as opposed to just being copied from an existing reference table, in order to achieve this. As with any floating point math operation, rounding errors do occur. This is true of both the calculations made by the program, and the calculations that were made in the derivation of many of the conversion factors that the program uses. But even with these rounding errors, the results calculated by this program should have sufficient accuracy for most purposes. Since this program could be used for any number of different things, no warranty of fitness for any particular purpose is offered. It is the users responsibility to verify the suitability and accuracy of all conversions to ensure that they meet the users requirements. Some Notes On Units The unit for area called the "are" (pronounced air) is different than the unit of measure called the "acre". The "are" is a metric unit equivalent to 100 square meters. The acre is equivalent to 10 square chains. No attempt is made to distinguish between force and mass units. So, for example, when reference is made to the "pound" in the unit category "Force" it is referring to the gravitational force experienced at the Earth's surface by a mass of one pound. In units like CCF, MCF and MMCF, the first characters represent the equivalent Roman numeral. M = 1000, C = 100. Yes the other C represents cubic, yes it can be confusing. In this program "carat" refers to the "metric carat". This was defined in 1907 to be exactly 200 milligrams. The "carat" in this program is not the older, and slightly larger unit, that was used in the US and Britain prior to that time. A "knot" is defined a 1 nautical mile per hour. Some other conversion tables incorrectly show this unit expressed as knot/hour, knot/minute, etc. This would be equivalent to one nautical mile per hour per hour, which would not be a unit of measure for velocity at all. (It would actually be a unit of measure for acceleration.) Some other conversion tables incorrectly use the word "knot" as a nautical mile. The term "knot" is used correctly in this program. The traditional unit of measure in the US for gallons, quarts, and pints includes one unit used for dry measure, and another for fluid measure. Be sure to select the proper unit. (US Bushels and Pecks are always considered dry measure.) In the Imperial system the gallon, quart and pint are used for both wet and dry measurement, so you will not see separate dry and fluid units for these. In general, the organization of units within the categories tends to be from the largest at the top of the list to the smallest at the bottom. The units with ratios are a little different, but their organization should be obvious by looking at the list. There were several different types of volume measurement. To help you find the unit that you are looking for, let me point out that they are organized within the list as follows; cubic measurement, units based on liters, units used for dry volume, units used for both liquid and dry volume, and finally units used for liquid volume. Scientific Notation This is not intended to be a full discussion of the use of scientific notation. This is just the basics in a nutshell. For a complete discussion of the topic, refer to any basic mathematics book. Scientific notation is a method used to represent very large or very small numbers. An example of a number represented in scientific notation would be; 2.17 x 10^3. The 10^3 indicates 10 x 10 x 10 or 1000. This times the 2.17 would give; 2.17 x 10^3 = 2.17 x 1000 = 2170. (Note, the number of places the decimal point moved to the right is the same as the exponent on the 10.) Is it easier to write 2.17 x 10^3 than it is to write 2170? Probably not. But what about 2.17 x 10^52? That would be equivalent to 217 with 50 zeros after it. Scientific notation is definitely easier in that case. (There are other advantages but they are beyond the scope of this discussion.) A 10 with a negative exponent is equivalent to one over 10 with a positive exponent, or: 10^-3 = 1/10^3 = 0.001 So, 2.17 x 10^-3 would work out like this; 2.17 x 10^-3 = 2.17 x 0.001 = 0.00217 (Note, the number of places the decimal point moved to the left is the same as the exponent on the 10, without the sign.) When computing devices showed up on the scene, it wasn't as easy to represent the power of 10 (that "10" with the exponent on it) using the superscript or ^ notation, so several new forms of notation were developed. One common method uses the letter "e" to indicate the power of 10 exponent. Using this form of notation the numbers above would be represented like this; 2.17 x 10^3 = 2.17e3 2.17 x 10^-3 = 2.17e-3 This is the scientific notation format that is used in the Convertz program. Abbreviations The PalmOS devices have a limited amount of screen space available. In order to get all of the information to fit, the Convertz program uses many abbreviations. Most of these are standard and will probably be obvious. In case they're not, here's a list; avdp - avoirdupois bkfst cup - British breakfast cup CCF - hundred cubic feet cm - centimeter cu - cubic Cwt - hundred weight fl - fluid gal - gallon hr - hour km - kilometer min - minute MCF - thousand cubic feet mm - millimeter MMCF - million cubic feet naut - nautical oz - ounce sec - second sq - square tblsp - tablespoon tsp - teaspoon UK - British imperial unit of measure US - United States standard unit of measure License Convertz (TM) version 1.0 Copyright (c) 2001 Soft-Toolz(TM)/Riegle Technologies Inc. All Rights Reserved This license applies to the PalmOS version of Convertz. You should carefully read the following terms and conditions before using this software. Unless you have a different license agreement signed by Riegle Technologies Inc. your use of this software indicates your acceptance of this license agreement and warranty. One copy of Convertz may installed and used on one or more PalmOS devices as long as all of those PalmOS devices are used by a single person and have a common Palm user name. If more than one person is using the device or devices that the program is installed on, a license must be purchased for either each person using the devices or each device the software is installed on; whichever is less. Disclaimer of Warranty THIS SOFTWARE AND ALL ACCOMPANYING FILES ARE SOLD "AS IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTIES AS TO PERFORMANCE OR SUITABILITY OR ANY OTHER WARRANTIES WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. Because of the various disciplines in which this software may be used, NO WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE IS OFFERED. Good practice dictates that any program be thoroughly tested with non-critical data before relying on it. The user must assume the entire risk of using the program. ANY LIABILITY OF THE SELLER WILL BE LIMITED EXCLUSIVELY TO PRODUCT REPLACEMENT OR REFUND OF PURCHASE PRICE. Contact Please forward any comments, suggestions, bug reports, etc. too; or Soft-Toolz PO Box 149 Temperance, MI 48182 Conversion Factors The following lists all of the conversions that are available in Convertz; Area sq mile to: sq kilometer hectare acre farthingdale dekare sq chain are sq rod centiare sq meter sq yard sq foot sq kilometer to: sq mile hectare acre farthingdale dekare sq chain are sq rod centiare sq meter sq yard sq foot hectare to: sq mile sq kilometer acre farthingdale dekare sq chain are sq rod centiare sq meter sq yard sq foot acre to: sq mile sq kilometer hectare farthingdale dekare sq chain are sq rod centiare sq meter sq yard sq foot farthingdale to: sq mile sq kilometer hectare acre dekare sq chain are sq rod centiare sq meter sq yard sq foot dekare to: sq mile sq kilometer hectare acre farthingdale sq chain are sq rod centiare sq meter sq yard sq foot sq chain to: sq mile sq kilometer hectare acre farthingdale dekare are sq rod centiare sq meter sq yard sq foot are to: sq mile sq kilometer hectare acre farthingdale dekare sq chain sq rod centiare sq meter sq yard sq foot sq rod to: sq mile sq kilometer hectare acre farthingdale dekare sq chain are centiare sq meter sq yard sq foot centiare to: sq mile sq kilometer hectare acre farthingdale dekare sq chain are sq rod sq meter sq yard sq foot sq inch sq centimeter sq meter to: sq mile sq kilometer hectare acre farthingdale dekare sq chain are sq rod centiare sq yard sq foot sq inch sq centimeter sq yard to: sq mile sq kilometer hectare acre farthingdale dekare sq chain are sq rod centiare sq meter sq foot sq inch sq centimeter sq milimeter sq foot to: sq mile sq kilometer hectare acre farthingdale dekare sq chain are sq rod centiare sq meter sq yard sq inch sq centimeter sq milimeter sq inch to: centiare sq meter sq yard sq foot sq centimeter sq milimeter sq centimeter to: centiare sq meter sq yard sq foot sq inch sq milimeter sq milimeter to: centiare sq meter sq yard sq foot sq inch sq centimeter Distance naut.mile to: mile kilometer hectometer dekameter fathom meter yard foot mile to: naut.mile kilometer furlong hectometer dekameter rod fathom meter yard foot kilometer to: naut.mile mile furlong hectometer dekameter rod fathom meter yard foot furlong to: mile kilometer hectometer dekameter rod meter yard foot hectometer to: naut.mile mile kilometer furlong dekameter rod fathom meter yard foot dekameter to: mile kilometer furlong hectometer rod fathom meter yard foot decimeter inch rod to: mile kilometer furlong hectometer dekameter meter yard foot decimeter inch fathom to: naut.mile mile kilometer hectometer dekameter meter yard foot decimeter inch meter to: mile kilometer furlong hectometer dekameter rod fathom yard foot hand decimeter inch centimeter millimeter yard to: mile kilometer furlong hectometer dekameter rod fathom meter foot hand decimeter inch centimeter millimeter foot to: mile kilometer furlong hectometer dekameter rod fathom meter yard hand decimeter inch centimeter millimeter hand to: meter yard foot decimeter inch centimeter millimeter decimeter to: furlong hectometer dekameter rod fathom meter yard foot hand inch centimeter millimeter inch to: dekameter rod fathom meter yard foot hand decimeter centimeter millimeter centimeter to: dekameter rod fathom meter yard foot hand decimeter inch millimeter millimeter to: meter yard foot hand decimeter inch centimeter Flow megaliter/hr to: CCF/hour kiloliter/hr cu foot/hr megaliter/min CCF/min kiloliter/min cu foot/min CCF/sec kiloliter/sec cu foot/sec CCF/hour to: megaliter/hr kiloliter/hr cu foot/hr CCF/min kiloliter/min cu foot/min gal(UK)/min fl gal(US)/min liter/min cu foot/sec gal(UK)/sec fl gal(US)/sec liter/sec fl oz(US)/sec fl oz(UK)/sec kiloliter/hr to: megaliter/hr CCF/hour cu foot/hr gal(UK)/hr fl gal(US)/hr liter/hour CCF/min kiloliter/min cu foot/min gal(UK)/min fl gal(US)/min liter/min fl oz(US)/min fl oz(UK)/min cu foot/sec gal(UK)/sec fl gal(US)/sec liter/sec fl oz(US)/sec fl oz(UK)/sec cu foot/hr to: megaliter/hr CCF/hour kiloliter/hr gal(UK)/hr fl gal(US)/hr liter/hour cu foot/min gal(UK)/min fl gal(US)/min liter/min fl oz(US)/min fl oz(UK)/min gal(UK)/sec fl gal(US)/sec liter/sec fl oz(US)/sec fl oz(UK)/sec milliliter/sec gal(UK)/hr to: kiloliter/hr cu foot/hr fl gal(US)/hr liter/hour fl oz(US)/hr fl oz(UK)/hr gal(UK)/min fl gal(US)/min liter/min fl oz(US)/min fl oz(UK)/min milliliter/min fl oz(US)/sec fl oz(UK)/sec milliliter/sec fl gal(US)/hr to: cu foot/hr gal(UK)/hr liter/hour fl oz(US)/hr fl oz(UK)/hr cu foot/min gal(UK)/min fl gal(US)/min liter/min fl oz(US)/min fl oz(UK)/min milliliter/min fl oz(US)/sec fl oz(UK)/sec milliliter/sec liter/hour to: kiloliter/hr cu foot/hr gal(UK)/hr fl gal(US)/hr fl oz(US)/hr fl oz(UK)/hr milliliter/hr liter/min fl oz(US)/min fl oz(UK)/min milliliter/min milliliter/sec fl oz(US)/hr to: liter/hour fl oz(UK)/hr milliliter/hr fl oz(US)/min fl oz(UK)/min milliliter/min fl oz(UK)/hr to: liter/hour fl oz(US)/hr milliliter/hr fl oz(US)/min fl oz(UK)/min milliliter/min milliliter/hr to: liter/hour fl oz(US)/hr fl oz(UK)/hr milliliter/min megaliter/min to: megaliter/hr CCF/min kiloliter/min cu foot/min megaliter/sec CCF/sec kiloliter/sec cu foot/sec gal(UK)/sec fl gal(US)/sec CCF/min to: megaliter/hr CCF/hour kiloliter/hr cu foot/hr megaliter/min kiloliter/min cu foot/min CCF/sec kiloliter/sec cu foot/sec gal(UK)/sec fl gal(US)/sec liter/sec kiloliter/min to: megaliter/hr CCF/hour kiloliter/hr cu foot/hr gal(UK)/hr fl gal(US)/hr liter/hour megaliter/min CCF/min cu foot/min gal(UK)/min fl gal(US)/min liter/min kiloliter/sec cu foot/sec gal(UK)/sec fl gal(US)/sec liter/sec fl oz(US)/sec fl oz(UK)/sec cu foot/min to: CCF/hour kiloliter/hr cu foot/hr gal(UK)/hr fl gal(US)/hr liter/hour CCF/min kiloliter/min gal(UK)/min fl gal(US)/min liter/min cu foot/sec gal(UK)/sec fl gal(US)/sec liter/sec fl oz(US)/sec fl oz(UK)/sec gal(UK)/min to: CCF/hour kiloliter/hr cu foot/hr gal(UK)/hr fl gal(US)/hr liter/hour cu foot/min fl gal(US)/min liter/min fl oz(US)/min fl oz(UK)/min gal(UK)/sec fl gal(US)/sec liter/sec fl oz(US)/sec fl oz(UK)/sec milliliter/sec fl gal(US)/min to: CCF/hour kiloliter/hr cu foot/hr gal(UK)/hr fl gal(US)/hr liter/hour fl oz(US)/hr fl oz(UK)/hr cu foot/min gal(UK)/min liter/min fl oz(US)/min fl oz(UK)/min gal(UK)/sec fl gal(US)/sec liter/sec fl oz(US)/sec fl oz(UK)/sec milliliter/sec liter/min to: CCF/hour kiloliter/hr cu foot/hr gal(UK)/hr fl gal(US)/hr liter/hour fl oz(US)/hr fl oz(UK)/hr kiloliter/min cu foot/min gal(UK)/min fl gal(US)/min fl oz(US)/min fl oz(UK)/min milliliter/min liter/sec fl oz(US)/sec fl oz(UK)/sec milliliter/sec fl oz(US)/min to: gal(UK)/hr fl gal(US)/hr liter/hour fl oz(US)/hr fl oz(UK)/hr milliliter/hr liter/min fl oz(UK)/min milliliter/min fl oz(US)/sec fl oz(UK)/sec milliliter/sec fl oz(UK)/min to: gal(UK)/hr fl gal(US)/hr liter/hour fl oz(US)/hr fl oz(UK)/hr milliliter/hr liter/min fl oz(US)/min milliliter/min fl oz(US)/sec fl oz(UK)/sec milliliter/sec milliliter/min to: liter/hour fl oz(US)/hr fl oz(UK)/hr milliliter/hr liter/min fl oz(US)/min fl oz(UK)/min milliliter/sec megaliter/sec to: megaliter/min CCF/sec kiloliter/sec cu foot/sec CCF/sec to: megaliter/hr megaliter/min CCF/min kiloliter/min cu foot/min megaliter/sec kiloliter/sec cu foot/sec kiloliter/sec to: megaliter/hr CCF/hour megaliter/min CCF/min kiloliter/min cu foot/min megaliter/sec CCF/sec cu foot/sec gal(UK)/sec fl gal(US)/sec liter/sec cu foot/sec to: megaliter/hr CCF/hour kiloliter/hr megaliter/min CCF/min kiloliter/min cu foot/min gal(UK)/min fl gal(US)/min liter/min CCF/sec kiloliter/sec gal(UK)/sec fl gal(US)/sec liter/sec gal(UK)/sec to: CCF/hour kiloliter/hr cu foot/hr kiloliter/min cu foot/min gal(UK)/min fl gal(US)/min liter/min fl oz(US)/min fl oz(UK)/min kiloliter/sec cu foot/sec fl gal(US)/sec liter/sec fl oz(US)/sec fl oz(UK)/sec fl gal(US)/sec to: CCF/hour kiloliter/hr cu foot/hr kiloliter/min cu foot/min gal(UK)/min fl gal(US)/min liter/min fl oz(US)/min fl oz(UK)/min kiloliter/sec cu foot/sec gal(UK)/sec liter/sec fl oz(US)/sec fl oz(UK)/sec liter/sec to: CCF/hour kiloliter/hr cu foot/hr gal(UK)/hr fl gal(US)/hr kiloliter/min cu foot/min gal(UK)/min fl gal(US)/min liter/min fl oz(US)/min fl oz(UK)/min kiloliter/sec cu foot/sec gal(UK)/sec fl gal(US)/sec fl oz(US)/sec fl oz(UK)/sec milliliter/sec fl oz(US)/sec to: gal(UK)/hr fl gal(US)/hr liter/hour gal(UK)/min fl gal(US)/min liter/min fl oz(US)/min fl oz(UK)/min milliliter/min liter/sec fl oz(UK)/sec milliliter/sec fl oz(UK)/sec to: gal(UK)/hr fl gal(US)/hr liter/hour gal(UK)/min fl gal(US)/min liter/min fl oz(US)/min fl oz(UK)/min milliliter/min liter/sec fl oz(US)/sec milliliter/sec milliliter/sec to: liter/hour fl oz(US)/hr fl oz(UK)/hr liter/min fl oz(US)/min fl oz(UK)/min milliliter/min liter/sec fl oz(US)/sec fl oz(UK)/sec Force long ton(UK) to: tonne (metric) short ton(US) decitonne long Cwt(UK) short Cwt(US) kilogram pound (avdp) pound (troy) tonne (metric) to: long ton(UK) short ton(US) decitonne long Cwt(UK) short Cwt(US) kilogram pound (avdp) pound (troy) short ton(US) to: long ton(UK) tonne (metric) decitonne long Cwt(UK) short Cwt(US) kilogram pound (avdp) pound (troy) decitonne to: long ton(UK) tonne (metric) short ton(US) long Cwt(UK) short Cwt(US) kilogram pound (avdp) pound (troy) long Cwt(UK) to: long ton(UK) tonne (metric) short ton(US) decitonne short Cwt(US) kilogram pound (avdp) pound (troy) short Cwt(US) to: long ton(UK) tonne (metric) short ton(US) decitonne long Cwt(UK) kilogram pound (avdp) pound (troy) kilogram to: long ton(UK) tonne (metric) short ton(US) decitonne long Cwt(UK) short Cwt(US) pound (avdp) pound (troy) hectogram ounce (troy) ounce (avdp) dekagram dram (troy) dram (avdp) pennyweight gram pound (avdp) to: long ton(UK) tonne (metric) short ton(US) decitonne long Cwt(UK) short Cwt(US) kilogram pound (troy) hectogram ounce (troy) ounce (avdp) dekagram dram (troy) dram (avdp) pennyweight gram pound (troy) to: long ton(UK) tonne (metric) short ton(US) decitonne long Cwt(UK) short Cwt(US) kilogram pound (avdp) hectogram ounce (troy) ounce (avdp) dekagram dram (troy) dram (avdp) pennyweight gram hectogram to: kilogram pound (avdp) pound (troy) ounce (troy) ounce (avdp) dekagram dram (troy) dram (avdp) pennyweight gram ounce (troy) to: kilogram pound (avdp) pound (troy) hectogram ounce (avdp) dekagram dram (troy) dram (avdp) pennyweight gram carat (metric) decigram grain centigram milligram ounce (avdp) to: kilogram pound (avdp) pound (troy) hectogram ounce (troy) dekagram dram (troy) dram (avdp) pennyweight gram carat (metric) decigram grain centigram milligram dekagram to: kilogram pound (avdp) pound (troy) hectogram ounce (troy) ounce (avdp) dram (troy) dram (avdp) pennyweight gram carat (metric) decigram grain centigram milligram dram (troy) to: kilogram pound (avdp) pound (troy) hectogram ounce (troy) ounce (avdp) dekagram dram (avdp) pennyweight gram carat (metric) decigram grain centigram milligram dram (avdp) to: kilogram pound (avdp) pound (troy) hectogram ounce (troy) ounce (avdp) dekagram dram (troy) pennyweight gram carat (metric) decigram grain centigram milligram pennyweight to: kilogram pound (avdp) pound (troy) hectogram ounce (troy) ounce (avdp) dekagram dram (troy) dram (avdp) gram carat (metric) decigram grain centigram milligram gram to: kilogram pound (avdp) pound (troy) hectogram ounce (troy) ounce (avdp) dekagram dram (troy) dram (avdp) pennyweight carat (metric) decigram grain centigram milligram carat (metric) to: kilogram pound (avdp) pound (troy) hectogram ounce (troy) ounce (avdp) dekagram dram (troy) dram (avdp) pennyweight gram decigram grain centigram milligram decigram to: kilogram pound (avdp) pound (troy) hectogram ounce (troy) ounce (avdp) dekagram dram (troy) dram (avdp) pennyweight gram carat (metric) grain centigram milligram grain to: hectogram ounce (troy) ounce (avdp) dekagram dram (troy) dram (avdp) pennyweight gram carat (metric) decigram centigram milligram centigram to: hectogram ounce (troy) ounce (avdp) dekagram dram (troy) dram (avdp) pennyweight gram carat (metric) decigram grain milligram milligram to: ounce (troy) ounce (avdp) dekagram dram (troy) dram (avdp) pennyweight gram carat (metric) decigram grain centigram Fuel Consumption mile/gal (US) to: mile/gal (UK) km/gal (US) km/gal (UK) miles/liter km/liter mile/gal (UK) to: mile/gal (US) km/gal (US) km/gal (UK) miles/liter km/liter km/gal (US) to: mile/gal (US) mile/gal (UK) km/gal (UK) miles/liter km/liter km/gal (UK) to: mile/gal (US) mile/gal (UK) km/gal (US) miles/liter km/liter miles/liter to: mile/gal (US) mile/gal (UK) km/gal (US) km/gal (UK) km/liter km/liter to: mile/gal (US) mile/gal (UK) km/gal (US) km/gal (UK) miles/liter Temperature degree F to: degree C kelvin degree C to: degree F kelvin kelvin to: degree F degree C Time decade to: year fortnight week day year to: decade fortnight week day hour fortnight to: decade year week day hour minute week to: decade year fortnight day hour minute day to: decade year fortnight week hour minute second hour to: year fortnight week day minute second minute to: week day hour second to: week day hour minute Velocity knot to: miles/hour km/hour meter/hour foot/hour miles/minute km/minute meter/minute foot/minute meter/second foot/second inch/second cm/second mm/second miles/hour to: knot km/hour meter/hour foot/hour miles/minute km/minute meter/minute foot/minute inch/minute miles/second km/second meter/second foot/second inch/second cm/second mm/second km/hour to: knot miles/hour meter/hour foot/hour miles/minute km/minute meter/minute foot/minute inch/minute cm/minute mm/minute miles/second km/second meter/second foot/second inch/second cm/second mm/second meter/hour to: knot miles/hour km/hour foot/hour inch/hour cm/hour mm/hour meter/minute foot/minute inch/minute cm/minute mm/minute meter/second foot/second inch/second cm/second mm/second foot/hour to: knot miles/hour km/hour meter/hour inch/hour cm/hour mm/hour meter/minute foot/minute inch/minute cm/minute mm/minute foot/second inch/second cm/second mm/second inch/hour to: meter/hour foot/hour cm/hour mm/hour meter/minute foot/minute inch/minute cm/minute mm/minute foot/second inch/second cm/second mm/second cm/hour to: meter/hour foot/hour inch/hour mm/hour meter/minute foot/minute inch/minute cm/minute mm/minute inch/second cm/second mm/second mm/hour to: meter/hour foot/hour inch/hour cm/hour inch/minute cm/minute mm/minute cm/second mm/second miles/minute to: knot miles/hour km/hour km/minute meter/minute foot/minute miles/second km/second meter/second foot/second inch/second cm/second mm/second km/minute to: knot miles/hour km/hour miles/minute meter/minute foot/minute miles/second km/second meter/second foot/second inch/second cm/second mm/second meter/minute to: knot miles/hour km/hour meter/hour foot/hour inch/hour cm/hour miles/minute km/minute foot/minute inch/minute cm/minute mm/minute miles/second km/second meter/second foot/second inch/second cm/second mm/second foot/minute to: knot miles/hour km/hour meter/hour foot/hour inch/hour cm/hour miles/minute km/minute meter/minute inch/minute cm/minute mm/minute meter/second foot/second inch/second cm/second mm/second inch/minute to: miles/hour km/hour meter/hour foot/hour inch/hour cm/hour mm/hour meter/minute foot/minute cm/minute mm/minute meter/second foot/second inch/second cm/second mm/second cm/minute to: km/hour meter/hour foot/hour inch/hour cm/hour mm/hour km/minute meter/minute foot/minute inch/minute mm/minute meter/second foot/second inch/second cm/second mm/second mm/minute to: km/hour meter/hour foot/hour inch/hour cm/hour mm/hour meter/minute foot/minute inch/minute cm/minute meter/second foot/second inch/second cm/second mm/second miles/second to: miles/hour km/hour miles/minute km/minute meter/minute km/second meter/second foot/second km/second to: miles/hour km/hour miles/minute km/minute meter/minute miles/second meter/second foot/second meter/second to: knot miles/hour km/hour meter/hour miles/minute km/minute meter/minute foot/minute inch/minute cm/minute mm/minute miles/second km/second foot/second inch/second cm/second mm/second foot/second to: knot miles/hour km/hour meter/hour foot/hour inch/hour miles/minute km/minute meter/minute foot/minute inch/minute cm/minute mm/minute miles/second km/second meter/second inch/second cm/second mm/second inch/second to: knot miles/hour km/hour meter/hour foot/hour inch/hour cm/hour mm/hour miles/minute km/minute meter/minute foot/minute inch/minute cm/minute mm/minute meter/second foot/second cm/second mm/second cm/second to: knot miles/hour km/hour meter/hour foot/hour inch/hour cm/hour mm/hour miles/minute km/minute meter/minute foot/minute inch/minute cm/minute mm/minute meter/second foot/second inch/second mm/second mm/second to: knot miles/hour km/hour meter/hour foot/hour inch/hour cm/hour mm/hour miles/minute meter/minute foot/minute inch/minute cm/minute mm/minute meter/second foot/second inch/second cm/second Volume MMCF to: MCF CCF cubic meter cubic yard cubic foot megaliter kiloliter MCF to: MMCF CCF cubic meter cubic yard cubic foot megaliter kiloliter hectoliter CCF to: MMCF MCF cubic meter cubic yard cubic foot megaliter kiloliter hectoliter dekaliter cubic meter to: MMCF MCF CCF cubic yard cubic foot cubic inch cubic cm (cc) megaliter kiloliter hectoliter dekaliter liter bushel(US) peck (US) dry gal (US) bushel (UK) gallon (UK) fluid gal (US) cubic yard to: MMCF MCF CCF cubic meter cubic foot megaliter kiloliter hectoliter dekaliter liter bushel(US) peck (US) dry gal (US) dry quart(US) bushel (UK) cubic foot to: MMCF MCF CCF cubic meter cubic yard cubic inch cubic cm (cc) megaliter kiloliter hectoliter dekaliter liter deciliter centiliter bushel(US) peck (US) dry gal (US) dry quart(US) dry pint (US) bushel (UK) gallon (UK) quart (UK) pint (UK) fluid gal (US) magnum fl quart (US) cubic inch to: cubic meter cubic foot cubic cm (cc) dekaliter liter deciliter centiliter bushel(US) peck (US) dry gal (US) dry quart(US) dry pint (US) bushel (UK) gallon (UK) quart (UK) pint (UK) bkfst cup(UK) cup (US) fluid gal (US) magnum fl quart (US) fifth fluid pint(US) cubic cm (cc) to: cubic meter cubic yard cubic foot cubic inch dekaliter liter deciliter centiliter milliliter dry gal (US) dry quart(US) dry pint (US) gallon (UK) quart (UK) pint (UK) bkfst cup(UK) cup (US) metric tblsp tblsp (US) metric tsp tsp (US) fluid gal (US) magnum fl quart (US) fifth fluid pint(US) gill (UK) gill (US) fluid oz (US) fluid oz(UK) fl dram(US) fl dram(UK) megaliter to: MMCF MCF CCF cubic meter cubic yard cubic foot kiloliter hectoliter dekaliter kiloliter to: MMCF MCF CCF cubic meter cubic yard cubic foot megaliter hectoliter dekaliter liter bushel(US) peck (US) dry gal (US) dry quart(US) bushel (UK) gallon (UK) quart (UK) fluid gal (US) magnum fl quart (US) hectoliter to: MCF CCF cubic meter cubic yard cubic foot megaliter kiloliter dekaliter liter deciliter bushel(US) peck (US) dry gal (US) dry quart(US) dry pint (US) bushel (UK) gallon (UK) quart (UK) pint (UK) fluid gal (US) magnum fl quart (US) fifth fluid pint(US) dekaliter to: CCF cubic meter cubic yard cubic foot cubic inch cubic cm (cc) kiloliter hectoliter liter deciliter bushel(US) peck (US) dry gal (US) dry quart(US) dry pint (US) bushel (UK) gallon (UK) quart (UK) pint (UK) fluid gal (US) magnum fl quart (US) fifth fluid pint(US) liter to: cubic meter cubic yard cubic foot cubic inch cubic cm (cc) kiloliter hectoliter dekaliter deciliter centiliter milliliter bushel(US) peck (US) dry gal (US) dry quart(US) dry pint (US) bushel (UK) gallon (UK) quart (UK) pint (UK) bkfst cup(UK) cup (US) fluid gal (US) magnum fl quart (US) fifth fluid pint(US) gill (UK) gill (US) jigger fluid oz (US) fluid oz(UK) deciliter to: cubic foot cubic inch cubic cm (cc) kiloliter hectoliter dekaliter liter centiliter milliliter peck (US) dry gal (US) dry quart(US) dry pint (US) bushel (UK) gallon (UK) quart (UK) pint (UK) bkfst cup(UK) cup (US) metric tblsp tblsp (US) metric tsp tsp (US) fluid gal (US) magnum fl quart (US) fifth fluid pint(US) gill (UK) gill (US) jigger fluid oz (US) fluid oz(UK) fl dram(US) fl dram(UK) centiliter to: cubic foot cubic inch cubic cm (cc) hectoliter dekaliter liter deciliter milliliter microliter peck (US) dry gal (US) dry quart(US) dry pint (US) bushel (UK) gallon (UK) quart (UK) pint (UK) bkfst cup(UK) cup (US) metric tblsp tblsp (US) metric tsp tsp (US) fluid gal (US) magnum fl quart (US) fifth fluid pint(US) gill (UK) gill (US) jigger fluid oz (US) fluid oz(UK) fl dram(US) fl dram(UK) milliliter to: cubic inch cubic cm (cc) dekaliter liter deciliter centiliter microliter dry pint (US) pint (UK) bkfst cup(UK) cup (US) metric tblsp tblsp (US) metric tsp tsp (US) magnum fl quart (US) fifth fluid pint(US) gill (UK) gill (US) jigger fluid oz (US) fluid oz(UK) fl dram(US) fl dram(UK) microliter to: cubic cm (cc) deciliter centiliter milliliter metric tsp tsp (US) fl dram(US) fl dram(UK) bushel(US) to: cubic meter cubic yard cubic foot cubic inch kiloliter hectoliter dekaliter liter peck (US) dry gal (US) dry quart(US) dry pint (US) bushel (UK) gallon (UK) quart (UK) peck (US) to: cubic meter cubic yard cubic foot cubic inch kiloliter hectoliter dekaliter liter deciliter centiliter bushel(US) dry gal (US) dry quart(US) dry pint (US) bushel (UK) gallon (UK) quart (UK) dry gal (US) to: cubic meter cubic yard cubic foot cubic inch cubic cm (cc) kiloliter hectoliter dekaliter liter deciliter centiliter bushel(US) peck (US) dry quart(US) dry pint (US) bushel (UK) gallon (UK) quart (UK) pint (UK) dry quart(US) to: cubic meter cubic yard cubic foot cubic inch cubic cm (cc) hectoliter dekaliter liter deciliter centiliter bushel(US) peck (US) dry gal (US) dry pint (US) bushel (UK) gallon (UK) quart (UK) pint (UK) bkfst cup(UK) dry pint (US) to: cubic foot cubic inch cubic cm (cc) hectoliter dekaliter liter deciliter centiliter milliliter bushel(US) peck (US) dry gal (US) dry quart(US) bushel (UK) gallon (UK) quart (UK) pint (UK) bkfst cup(UK) bushel (UK) to: cubic meter cubic yard cubic foot cubic inch hectoliter dekaliter liter deciliter centiliter bushel(US) peck (US) dry gal (US) dry quart(US) dry pint (US) gallon (UK) quart (UK) pint (UK) gallon (UK) to: cubic meter cubic yard cubic foot cubic inch cubic cm (cc) kiloliter hectoliter dekaliter liter deciliter centiliter bushel(US) peck (US) dry gal (US) dry quart(US) dry pint (US) bushel (UK) quart (UK) pint (UK) bkfst cup(UK) cup (US) fluid gal (US) magnum fl quart (US) fifth fluid pint(US) gill (UK) gill (US) jigger fluid oz (US) fluid oz(UK) quart (UK) to: cubic foot cubic inch cubic cm (cc) hectoliter dekaliter liter deciliter centiliter bushel(US) peck (US) dry gal (US) dry quart(US) dry pint (US) bushel (UK) gallon (UK) pint (UK) bkfst cup(UK) cup (US) fluid gal (US) magnum fl quart (US) fifth fluid pint(US) gill (UK) gill (US) jigger fluid oz (US) fluid oz(UK) pint (UK) to: cubic foot cubic inch cubic cm (cc) hectoliter dekaliter liter deciliter centiliter milliliter dry gal (US) dry quart(US) dry pint (US) gallon (UK) quart (UK) bkfst cup(UK) cup (US) fluid gal (US) magnum fl quart (US) fifth fluid pint(US) gill (UK) gill (US) jigger fluid oz (US) fluid oz(UK) bkfst cup(UK) to: cubic inch cubic cm (cc) liter deciliter centiliter milliliter dry quart(US) dry pint (US) gallon (UK) quart (UK) pint (UK) cup (US) metric tblsp tblsp (US) metric tsp tsp (US) fluid gal (US) magnum fl quart (US) fifth fluid pint(US) gill (UK) gill (US) jigger fluid oz (US) fluid oz(UK) fl dram(US) fl dram(UK) cup (US) to: cubic inch cubic cm (cc) hectoliter dekaliter liter deciliter centiliter milliliter gallon (UK) quart (UK) pint (UK) bkfst cup(UK) metric tblsp tblsp (US) metric tsp tsp (US) fluid gal (US) magnum fl quart (US) fifth fluid pint(US) gill (UK) gill (US) jigger fluid oz (US) fluid oz(UK) fl dram(US) fl dram(UK) metric tblsp to: cubic inch cubic cm (cc) deciliter centiliter milliliter bkfst cup(UK) cup (US) tblsp (US) metric tsp tsp (US) gill (UK) gill (US) jigger fluid oz (US) fluid oz(UK) fl dram(US) fl dram(UK) tblsp (US) to: cubic inch cubic cm (cc) deciliter centiliter milliliter bkfst cup(UK) cup (US) metric tblsp metric tsp tsp (US) gill (UK) gill (US) jigger fluid oz (US) fluid oz(UK) fl dram(US) fl dram(UK) metric tsp to: cubic inch cubic cm (cc) deciliter centiliter milliliter microliter bkfst cup(UK) cup (US) metric tblsp tblsp (US) tsp (US) gill (UK) gill (US) jigger fluid oz (US) fluid oz(UK) fl dram(US) fl dram(UK) tsp (US) to: cubic inch cubic cm (cc) deciliter centiliter milliliter microliter bkfst cup(UK) cup (US) metric tblsp tblsp (US) metric tsp gill (UK) gill (US) jigger fluid oz (US) fluid oz(UK) fl dram(US) fl dram(UK) fluid gal (US) to: cubic foot cubic inch cubic cm (cc) kiloliter hectoliter dekaliter liter deciliter centiliter gallon (UK) quart (UK) pint (UK) bkfst cup(UK) cup (US) magnum fl quart (US) fifth fluid pint(US) gill (UK) gill (US) jigger fluid oz (US) fluid oz(UK) magnum to: cubic foot cubic inch cubic cm (cc) kiloliter hectoliter dekaliter liter deciliter centiliter milliliter gallon (UK) quart (UK) pint (UK) bkfst cup(UK) cup (US) fluid gal (US) fl quart (US) fifth fluid pint(US) gill (UK) gill (US) jigger fluid oz (US) fluid oz(UK) fl quart (US) to: cubic foot cubic inch cubic cm (cc) kiloliter hectoliter dekaliter liter deciliter centiliter milliliter gallon (UK) quart (UK) pint (UK) bkfst cup(UK) cup (US) fluid gal (US) magnum fifth fluid pint(US) gill (UK) gill (US) jigger fluid oz (US) fluid oz(UK) fl dram(US) fl dram(UK) fifth to: cubic foot cubic inch cubic cm (cc) hectoliter dekaliter liter deciliter centiliter milliliter gallon (UK) quart (UK) pint (UK) bkfst cup(UK) cup (US) fluid gal (US) magnum fl quart (US) fluid pint(US) gill (UK) gill (US) jigger fluid oz (US) fluid oz(UK) fl dram(US) fl dram(UK) fluid pint(US) to: cubic inch cubic cm (cc) hectoliter dekaliter liter deciliter centiliter milliliter gallon (UK) quart (UK) pint (UK) bkfst cup(UK) cup (US) fluid gal (US) magnum fl quart (US) fifth gill (UK) gill (US) jigger fluid oz (US) fluid oz(UK) fl dram(US) fl dram(UK) gill (UK) to: cubic inch cubic cm (cc) hectoliter dekaliter liter deciliter centiliter milliliter gallon (UK) quart (UK) pint (UK) bkfst cup(UK) cup (US) metric tblsp tblsp (US) metric tsp tsp (US) fluid gal (US) magnum fl quart (US) fifth fluid pint(US) gill (US) jigger fluid oz (US) fluid oz(UK) fl dram(US) fl dram(UK) gill (US) to: cubic inch cubic cm (cc) liter deciliter centiliter milliliter gallon (UK) quart (UK) pint (UK) bkfst cup(UK) cup (US) metric tblsp tblsp (US) metric tsp tsp (US) fluid gal (US) magnum fl quart (US) fifth fluid pint(US) gill (UK) jigger fluid oz (US) fluid oz(UK) fl dram(US) fl dram(UK) jigger to: liter deciliter centiliter milliliter gallon (UK) quart (UK) pint (UK) bkfst cup(UK) cup (US) metric tblsp tblsp (US) metric tsp tsp (US) fluid gal (US) magnum fl quart (US) fifth fluid pint(US) gill (UK) gill (US) fluid oz (US) fluid oz(UK) fl dram(US) fl dram(UK) fluid oz (US) to: cubic inch cubic cm (cc) liter deciliter centiliter milliliter gallon (UK) quart (UK) pint (UK) bkfst cup(UK) cup (US) metric tblsp tblsp (US) metric tsp tsp (US) fluid gal (US) magnum fl quart (US) fifth fluid pint(US) gill (UK) gill (US) jigger fluid oz(UK) fl dram(US) fl dram(UK) fluid oz(UK) to: cubic inch cubic cm (cc) liter deciliter centiliter milliliter gallon (UK) quart (UK) pint (UK) bkfst cup(UK) cup (US) metric tblsp tblsp (US) metric tsp tsp (US) fluid gal (US) magnum fl quart (US) fifth fluid pint(US) gill (UK) gill (US) jigger fluid oz (US) fl dram(US) fl dram(UK) fl dram(US) to: cubic inch cubic cm (cc) liter deciliter centiliter milliliter microliter quart (UK) pint (UK) bkfst cup(UK) cup (US) metric tblsp tblsp (US) metric tsp tsp (US) fl quart (US) fifth fluid pint(US) gill (UK) gill (US) jigger fluid oz (US) fluid oz(UK) fl dram(UK) fl dram(UK) to: cubic inch cubic cm (cc) liter deciliter centiliter milliliter microliter quart (UK) pint (UK) bkfst cup(UK) cup (US) metric tblsp tblsp (US) metric tsp tsp (US) fl quart (US) fifth fluid pint(US) gill (UK) gill (US) jigger fluid oz (US) fluid oz(UK) fl dram(US)