Electronics V2.6 Electronics is a shareware program. This means that you may test it free of charge. You may also distribute it freely to others so they may try it. Electronics is a electronic reference application with the following features: Color coding calculators both for resistors and capacitors. Standard EIA rounding for resistors with E12, E24 or E96 tables. IEC conversions for resistors(SMD) and capacitors. Conversion between capacitor coding systems. Misc calculations both for resistors and capacitors. Extensive help for precisions and voltages in resistors and capacitors. Interactive common discrete semiconductor reference. Common connectors: Scart, Din, Jack, S-Video, XLR, ISDN, TAE Common cables/interfaces: Centronics, Rs232, X.21, V.35, RS429, Null Modem, Palm Connector, Palm cradle connector, Palm Nullmodem and Ethernet Rj45 UTP cross cables. Whats new in this version: Revised Rs232 descriptions and corrected misc. info. Added Rj45 diagram, PC Power diagram, PC Joyport diagram. Thanks to Jürgen Frey for the connector info. Installation: Just install the .prc file. Usage: Please refer to the manual for complete instructions. Registration: This application is Shareware, it has nag screens which can be turned off by registering at http://www2.viaweb.com/pilotgearsw/kimmoelgaard.html You can also order by Phone 817.640.6558, and fax order number, 817.640.6614 Only USD 15 to get the best electronics reference available on the Palm Computing Platform. In Electronics goto the menu Options and Select Register. Copy the info displayed into a e-mail and send this to me at palmguy@mail.dk I will send you your registration code as soon as I have recieved this info, and your payment. Input the reg. code into the reg field on the registration screen and tap OK. Other Languages: This application is available in English, French, Danish and German. Please visit http://home2.inet.tele.dk/kim_maj/electronics.htm to obtain this application in other languages. (C) Kim Moelgaard. palmguy@mail.dk http://come.to/palmguy/ Version history 19990405 V1.0 Initial version. 19990418 V1.1 Fixes to localized preferences 19990425 V1.2 Added Palm specific connector info. Thanks to Bob Scott who supplied this info. 19990526 V1.3 Added Rs232 info 19990712 V2.0 Complete rewrite adding extensive new functionality. 19990725 V2.0 Danish Version. 19990731 V2.0 French Version translated by Rémy Cainjo. 19990815 V2.01 Bug fix in IEC conversion 19990822 V2.01 German Version 19990920 V2.1 Added more connector info + fields are now right adjusted 19991115 V2.2 Added EIA standard resistor value rounding with E12,E24 and E96 tables. Added new formulae in Misc. calculations to calculate power dissipation. Corrected power calculation with RMS values. Added Precision info to Capacitor IEC screen. 20000106 V2.3 Added RS232 RJ45 + X.21 + V.35 + RS429 + XLR connector 20000110 V2.4 Bugfixes to Misc. calculations. 20000609 V2.5 Added connectors ISDN, TAE. Revised Null modem descriptions and added Null modem 9 pin. Thanks to Jürgen Frey for the connector info. Added information for exponential names, and their values. 20001109 V2.6 Revised Rs232 descriptions and corrected misc. info. Added Rj45 diagram, PC Power diagram, PC Joyport diagram.