[This document is a slight rewrite of an original by Tom Zerucha (tz@execpc.com). I wanted to clarify some of his information and add part numbers so one could more easily build this device. ----William 'Pete' Moss (bantha@bigfoot.com)] Let me describe a simple adaptor I have since the only thing which can easily go wrong is that the diode is in backwards or that the MIDI connector is wired backwards. It only provides play out from the device with no recording capability. Best thing is, it only costs a few bucks! The parts (with Radio Shack catalog numbers) you will need are: 1x 9 position male D-subminiature connector (276-1537c) 1x silicon switching diode 1N4148 (276-1122) 1x 1/4 watt 220 ohm resistor (271-1313) 1x 5 pin DIN socket (274-005c) 2x #6 machine screws (~2" long) 6x #6 nuts 1x HotSync cable or PalmPilot cradle (for PalmPilot usage) Some solder and a soldering iron **** CONSTRUCTION **** Looking at the solder lugs on the D-sub connector, with the longer side at the top, the pinout is 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 7 6 My diode has the striped/marked end going into pin 5, and the resistor is going into pin 2. With these sticking straight out from the D-sub connector, I have a female DIN connector attached, with the arc facing upward, i.e. +---------+ | | -T-+---------+-T- +5-4-3-2-1+ The row of 5 pins is at the top | ' ' | ' A | Diode with band toward pin 5 on the left V U Resistor on the right | | \ / | | i| i |i The middle pin in the DIN is at the bottom [[[[H]]]] --+-------+-- | | +-------+ Use the screws to hold the thing together. Attach the device to your HotSync cable (or cradle) and to a MIDI cable to get MIDI output from your PalmPilot! **** TROUBLESHOOTING **** If you have it built, but it doesnt work, matbe you have the diode in backward. To test this, use a piece of wire to short around the diode. If it works with this short, then the diode is backward. Remove it and turn it around. If it still doesnt work, check the pictures below to make sure it is soldered into the correct lugs. For pictures of a completed unit, check out http://www.execpc.com/~tz/aut_0011.jpg http://www.execpc.com/~tz/aut_0012.jpg http://www.execpc.com/~tz/aut_0013.jpg Enjoy!