"baby Hedgehog" by dsperado http://www.dsperado.com Normal version. If you have a Rubicon interface, use the MIDI in disabled version. ---- This information file goes along with "baby Hedgehog," a pattern sequencer for Palm-MIDI applications. If you do not have a MIDI interface for your Palm Pilot, this software won't be much use. Please visit http://www.dsperado.com for information about Handheld-music. This version of "baby Hedgehog" is pure beta and is being released to gain bug reports and feature input. There will be many bugs. Please send all comments to hedgehog@dsperado.com ---- Why the "Death Synth / dsperado" is so interesting: Think of all those crazy VST plugins kids write, and how fun they are to play with. Now think of a board, the size of a deck of cards, that you can take with you wherever you go, hook a Palm Pilot up to it, and play with on the train that has all those crazy algorithms in it. ---- "baby Hedgehog" is copyright 2000 Brian Whitman / dsperado ---- Please visit dsperado: http://www.dsperado.com Capers {Palm OS music environment} will be an expanded playground for Hedgehog, Egg Timer, Tractor Pull, Cardinal, Blueberry, and other fine dsperado applications. It will be available in Fall 2000 and bundled with the Death Synth as well as being available independently. If you like Hedgehog, you will love Capers. Believe us. ---- Why "baby Hedgehog" is fun: We like being able to tweak controllers, but it's even better when those controllers are synced to the beat of the notes. "baby Hedgehog" is a realized dream for us: to play on stage with just one tool, controlling everything else in the universe. We use it with: . The Death Synth (http://www.dsperado.com) . Reaktor (http://www.native-instruments.de) . MAX / MSP (http://www.cycling74.com) . Akai Samplers, Ensoniq synths, Effect processors We also like "baby Hedgehog's" Math functions (that window in the lower right) especially Quantify and Markov Mess. Using them realtime is a blast. We have been using Hedgehog on stages across New York City for half a year now and think it's time to let everyone else in on the fun. ---- Q: Midi Sync In? I don't have a In port on my MIDI interface?!? A: Get a better MIDI interface! There are cheap ones linked from http://www.dsperado.com. Tell your favourite MIDI interface manufacturer that you need MIDI input. We don't know why they didn't either. ---- A Good Book Richard Powers -- The Gold Bug Variations. ---- Q: What's the difference between this and the "full version"? And what's the "Capers version"? A: Sorry to confuse. There are eventually three versions of every dsperado application for the PalmOS. The first is the freely distributable version. You're using that now. It either (a) might be in beta testing still, or (b) have less features than the full version. The second version is the PalmOS version. This is a full featured standalone application, just like you'd normally use. The third is the "Capers" version. For more information on "Capers" go to http://www.dsperado.com/software.html. Capers is a replacement music platform for PalmOS devices. Capers versions allow you to layer multiple states of the same application ontop of another and sequence applications. As far as Hedgehog goes, this is a possibly buggy beta version of the full "baby Hedgehog," which is slot #2. In the Capers version, there is one pattern per screen (instead of 12) but you can play multiple patterns at once. Your call! Oh, yes, in slot #2 version, you can scroll the note grid up and down to get extra-high and extra-low notes. ---- Q: What controller does the Tweak Bar control? A: The currently selected controller on channel 1. ---- Some music to listen to (August 2000): Hrvatski The Moles "Untune the Sky" Zammuto People Under the Stairs Matmos Sugarplastic ---- Q: Why does it say "Please Wait" when starting? A: Hedge is drawing the 12 patterns and setting up everything so that switching between patterns is as seamless as possible. It will do this every time you start Hedge after running another application. It will not do this if you turn your Palm off, then on, or if the auto-off triggers. ---- Something about the Capers API If you know some C or C++ and want to make your own Palm MIDI applets without all that timing or serial muss and fuss, the Capers API might be for you. We have object code that will let you develop your own MIDI applications with enhanced ease. You have access to a high- resolution clock (forget that 10ms stuff, hah) and F8 (MIDI Clock) Sync in and out. All you need is the free gcc compiler for PalmOS (many platforms) and some spare time. Contact capers@dsperado.com if this interests you. ---- Q: I left a sequence playing and ran off for a weekend in Vermont. When I got back, my pilot's batteries were dead! Doesn't it turn itself off? A: When running a sequence, Hedge turns the Palm into "Zombie Mode." At this stage, nothing you do to the Palm outside of using Hedgehog matters. We found it quite annoying to have the Palm turned off in the middle of a sequence, so the Auto-Timer, as well as the Graffiti section, the Find button, and power button, are all disabled. To go back to normal, just stop Hedgehog from running. Also, please note that the Pilot goes through twice as much battery as usual when using the serial port. You hotsync-happy folks already know this. If you're playing a 12 hour rave, please bring extra batteries. ---- Other dsperado Palm Applications available now: Eggtimer - the first handheld MIDI Syncable Arpeggiator (demo version) Tractor Pull - controller matrix with LFOs (demo version) ---- Q: How do I delete controller marks from the controller sequence? A: Click on the delete note tool (the white block.)