S25Util: Files

Folder Filename Description
/English S25UtilEN-OS30.prc The program file for OS3.0 - OS3.3
S25UtilEN-OS35.prc The program file for OS3.5
Manual.htm The manual
Files.htm You actually read this!
History.htm Version history
/bmp2pdb bmp2pdb The BMP to PDB converter (Linux version)
bmp2pdb.exe The BMP to PDB converter (Win95/98 version)
bmpTOpdbPPC.sit The BMP to PDB converter (MAC version)
bmp2pdb.c The sourcefile
/bmp2pdb/bmp *.bmp Some Bitmaps
/bmp2pdb/pdb *.pdb Converted Bitmaps
/mff2prc mfftoprc The MID to PRC converter (Linux version)
mfftoprc.exe The MID to PRC converter (Win95/98 version)
mfftoprc.c The sourcefile
mff1to0.c The source of mff1to0
mff2prc/prc *.prc Converted Midifiles