S25Util V1.0: Manual

Step 1:
Grab your palm and go to the standard Launcher. Press the Menu-Key and go to Options -> About Applications.
Read the version number. You need at least v. 3.0!
If you have v. 3.0, v. 3.1 or v. 3.2 go to Step 2a!
If you have v. 3.3 go to Step 2b!
If you have v. 3.5 go to Step 3b!

Step 2a:
You need to install the COMPLETE "Enhanced Infrared Update" package from Palm Computing Inc.!
Download the package from http://www.palm.com/support/downloads/irenhanc.html and follow the installation instructions. -> Continue with Step 3a!

Step 2b:
Users with Palm OS3.3 need to install only two files from the"Enhanced Infrared Update"!
Download the file from http://www.palm.com/support/downloads/irenhanc.html. Extract it and install only SerialIrPnl.prc and SerIrCommLib.prc on your device. -> Continue with Step 3a!

Step 3a
Don´t forget to do a SoftReset after the installation. In the preferences application of the PalmOS in the pulldownmenu a new entry named "Serial/IR" should appear now. Switch to "Infrared". With this setting the datatransfer of the serialport is redirected to the infraredport. If you start the HotSync via the internal application (not the HotSync-Button) or use an other application that communicates via the serial port you must switch back to "Craddle" before useing it. Now you can install S25UtilEN-OS30.prc. If you have an old version of S25Util installed, delete it before.
-> Continue with Step 4!

Step 3b
Install S25UtilEN-OS35.prc on your PalmPilot. -> Continue with Step 4!

Step 4:
You must install AT LEAST one Midifile and Logofile or S25Util will not even start. So take e.g. Tux.pdb and starwars3.prc and transfer the files to your device. Now you should be able to beam the logo and the midi to your S25 mobile. The application should be quiet self describing so i don´t guess you can run into big troubles.

You had to remember the following points:

For clearing Logos you MUST switch to "Infrared" in the preferences of your PalmPilot beneath the option "Serial/IR".
Also don´t forget to activate IrDA on your S25 (Menu: 8-2-1) or nothing will work at all...

An addition to that the ability of displaying logos on your S25 mobile hardly depends on your mobileprovider. There are several providers (Mobilcom, Debitel, VictorVox etc.) who´ve got a preprogrammed logo on their SIM-Cards. With those cards its IMPOSSIBLE to show own logos. Also Viag-Interkom-Users can only see their logos, if their S25 software-version is V5. With any greater versionnumbers (actuall is V12 / V44) the logo is suppressed through the "Interkom City" textline. You can see the logo only if you´re not in your cityzone. Just check this out by putting a card of a friend into your mobile who´s useing another provider. If you see the logo now.. you´re in the unlucky minority of those who couldn´t display any own logos on their mobiles.

When haveing problems with deleteing your logo on the S25 check the points mentioned above: Is the Pilot set to Infrared? Is IrDA activated on the S25? Do you have installed the correct files?

The preview mode for logos isn´t perfect! It might crash on some devices, depending on the PalmOS version you are useing and the installed software or Hackmaster hacks. Only try the preview mode if you did a backup before.

I´m not responsible for any possible harm or data loss on your palm pilot!
Several people told me S25Util also works with the Siemens C35/S35. As i´ve no C35/S35 i cannot proofe this. Just give it a try!

This should be the final version of S25Util. Thanks to all people that helped me doing my first steps in palm programming. You can contact me via E-Mail: palm@toluse.de or on my Homepage: http://www.toluse.de .

Please study this manual carefully and follow all instructions. Just contact me if you really found an error!

Best regards and good luck with your own impressive logos and sounds!
Tobias Selig / 1st January 2001

Third party applications:
I cannot help you, if you have any troubles with the included converters below, as i didn´t program them!

Thanks to Collin R. Mulliner for the bmp2pdb converter! (Also works for big S35Logos..)

bmp2pdb - Converts Windows Bitmaps to PalmDatabase Files

bmp2pdb Copyright (c) by Collin R. Mulliner
Version 1.2 Sep. 24. 1999
EMail: collin@deadend.rhein-main.de WWW: www.rhein-main.de/people/collin/

Syntax: bmp2pdb filename.bmp filename.pdb description

You can only use bitmaps with 97x26 size and max. 256 colors (only 4 will be used by the S25).

bmp2pdb homer.bmp homer.pdb "Homer J. Simpson"
I got this converter from the PlayIt-Package on www.developers.com
As the source was included i think it´s free. If i am mistaken please write me an e-mail.
mff2prc - Converts Track 0 Midis to PalmResource Files

Usage: MFFTOPRC.EXE fname.prc 'Song Name' midifile