fun Mobile Messaging Library

What is fMML?

A Palm applications program uses the fMML to send SMS messages by mobile phone without having to take care of details such as the phone model and network carrier.

This enables users to achieve a degree of flexibility and offers extension options at message level which would not be possible if the application were required to handle the SMS by itself.

Future extensions can be installed without affecting the application program.

How do I configure fMML?


einstFMML.gif (1565 Byte)

You can define preferences for your mobile phone and network carrier in the Palm preferences dialog. Choose the entries from the pull-down menu as follows:

If you are using the fMML in connection with funSMS, you can also select "Prefs." / "fMML" / "Edit".

You are now shown the following screen which displays the current country, current network carrier and current mobile phone.

The different input options have the following meanings:

Field Meaning
Country Your country, which you can choose.
Net Your network provider, which you can select out of a list for the selected country.
You can also modify the name as desired. With the menu options you can add new entries, delete marked entries or edit existing entries by 'duplicating'.
Mobile The name of your mobile. Here too with the menu options you can add new entries, delete marked entries or edit existing entries by 'duplicating'.
(Net) Details Subsequent information about your network provider can be entered here. You make modifications with the menu toolbar.
(Mobile) Details You will need to enter more details using this button depending on the type of device you are using. Here too you make modifications with the menu toolbar.
Done Fix the configurations and return to the folder view.
Check Press this button to test your 'country'-, 'net'- and 'mobile'- settings with your own mobile phone. For it you enter your own mobile number in the menu 'Test configuration'. Then a message will be generated and will be sent to this phone.
Help This provides you with a brief description of the preference dialog.

You can extend the preset network carrier and the mobile phone as desired:

With the menu toolbar you can add new entries, delete marked entries or edit existing entries by 'duplicating'. For differentiation the duplicated entries appears with a star behind. The changes are immediately evident from the pull-down menus for Net and Mobile.  

If you want to retain the factory settings for the network providers and the mobile phones you can do this with 'Factory settings' in 'Extra' in the menu toolbar. However, note that in this case all changes carried out by you will be discarded.

The network provider details given here is only the number of your network providers' service center.

If the data for your network provider is not available under the default values, refer to your provider and then enter the details here.  

You only can change the default entries by duplicating the net in the menu toolbar.

Your mobile phone must meet the following conditions to enable you to send SMS messages from the Palm:

  • infrared interface with the IrDA (to be precise, IrComm) protocol support
  • or it must support Option adapters (

Possible settings are:

  • Manufacturer:  mobile manufacturer
  • Connection:     infrared / serial (Option adapter)  
  • Rate:              19200 / 9600 Bit/s  (optional)

The default settings cannot be edited. If you have a new mobile phone which is not listed you can duplicate an existing entry and adjust this to your requirements.

After adjusting your preferences, you can test with the 'Check'-button, whether the message shipping functioned with this combination of net/mobile.

Therefor you have to enter your mobile number with international format and then press 'start'.

Thereupon the following test steps will be passed through:

  • a test message with all available signs of the GSM-Standard will be sent to this number.
  • a dialogue point out that it will be waited for the receipt of the message.
  • as soon as the mobile received the message, it will be picked up by pressing on 'OK'.
  • if the income message agrees with the outgoing message the test was successfull.

Tip: Use this function before sending SMS with funSMS to test first, whether your preferences are correct.