
Questions about registering:

What must I pay for a licence?

A licence costs DM 59.00 / Euro 29.00 / US$ 29.

Are company licences also available?

Yes, we would be pleased to send you an offer!

How can I register?

IIf you want to register funSMS, you have to buy the program “funSMS” at: 
-Palm Gear
You can buy funSMS also without credit card and with a German manual at:
-Share it!
-Propad (funSMS in a box for DM 79.00) 
 From them we get your ’HotSync-User-Name' and send you the registrationcode to your specified email-address. This code you have to enter in the preferences of your funSMS-software so that it works.

What is my palm-user-name?

you find your plam-user-name (HotSyncName) in the menu  - preferences - registration.
Alternatively your palm-user-key appears after typing on the HotSync-Icon on on the right of your palm display.
Lifetime-update guarantees for future updates!

with the registration you aquire a lifetime update guarantee i. e. you will receive any subsequent update of funSMS automatically via eMail.

Can I work with funSMS before I register?

We realise that even the fastest bank transfer can still take several days, or that we cannot always send you a reply on the same day.

You may therefore use the software without any restrictions for 20 SMS messages. Should you want to send more messages before registering, you will either just have to wait until you receive your register code, or reinstall the program.