User manual

Program start

StartPalm.gif (1565 Byte)

You see the start screen when the program is started.

MschreibenButton.gif (308 Byte)

Write a new message.

MabholenButton.gif (299 Byte)

The SMS messages received on the mobile are stored in the Inbox folder.

ManzeigenButton.gif (302 Byte)

This takes you to the folders. There you can manage your messages in funSMS.

In order to end the program change to another Palm application as usual.


Folder view

The folder view shows the folders EingangReiter.gif (104 Byte)AusgangReiter.gif (107 Byte)and GesendetReiter.gif (115 Byte). This is where you manage your messages.

Below the message list, you see the first 3 lines of the text of the marked message.

The lower line command buttons does not refer to the marked message:

neuButton.gif (166 Byte)

Compose a new message.

onlineButton.gif (166 Byte)

The messages marked for sending are sent, and those to be received are retrieved by the mobile phone.

einstButton.gif (160 Byte)

The preferences shown for Net and Mobile are displayed and can be edited (see fMML preferences). You can register funSMS, enter a signature and set other preferences here.

hilfeButton.gif (162 Byte)

Shows you the help of the selected folder EingangReiter.gif (104 Byte)AusgangReiter.gif (107 Byte)or GesendetReiter.gif (115 Byte).

ueberButton.gif (156 Byte)

Information about funSMS.

Inbox folder

EingangForm.gif (2389 Byte)

Received messages are stored in the folder EingangReiter.gif (104 Byte).

In the top section, you see a list of the messages with date, time and sender (if sent). In the
bottom section, you see a preview of the marked message (only the first lines).

Select a message and specify what you would like to do with it:

lesenButton.gif (98 Byte)

The entire message is shown. If the phone number used was listed in the Palm address book at the time of reception, the first and last names are also shown.

antwortenButton.gif (125 Byte)

You can write a new message to the sender. Since phone number transmission differs according to the provider and mobile phone, you can edit the recipient data. You can also add further recipients.

weiterlButton.gif (113 Byte)

You can transmit a message to as many people as you like. You can also edit the text.

loeschenButton.gif (117 Byte)

This deletes the selected message or folder.

Outbox folder

EingangForm.gif (2389 Byte)

Composed messages are stored in the folder AusgangReiter.gif (107 Byte).

In the top section, you see a list of messages with receiver details. Messages with several recipients are marked with a small symbol mehrere.gif (53 Byte). The control box senden.gif (108 Byte)shows that a message is noted to be sent. If you store a message with the command button okButton.gif (83 Byte), then this box is checked. On the other hand if you have store the message with entwurfButton.gif (114 Byte), then the box is unchecked. You can also change the state directly from the list. 
If you leave funSMS during writing a message this message will be stored in the Outbox as a

In the bottom section the first few lines of the marked message are shown.

Select a message and specify what you would like to do with it:

aendernButton.gif (110 Byte)

You can edit the message and the recipient.

kopierenButton.gif (121 Byte)

You can edit and store a copy of the message.

loeschenButton.gif (117 Byte)

You can delete the selected message or the folder.

Sent folder

EingangForm.gif (2389 Byte)

Sent messages are stored in the folder GesendetReiter.gif (115 Byte).

In the top section, you see a list of messages with date, time and recipient. Messages with several recipients are marked with a small symbol mehrere.gif (53 Byte).

In the bottom section, you can view the first few lines of the marked message.

Select a message and specify what you would like to with it:

lesenButton.gif (98 Byte)

The entire message is shown. The list of recipients is also shown.

kopierenButton.gif (121 Byte)

Edit a copy of a message. You can use this as a new message.

loeschenButton.gif (117 Byte)

You can delete the selected message or the folder.


EinstellungenForm.gif (1373 Byte)

The Preferences for Net and Mobile in
fMML are shown. You can edit these preferences. They are effective for all programs which use the fMML.

Automatic Send+Retrieve:
Determine what happens by tipping on the button onlineButton.gif (166 Byte). Normally you will be asked for a command (Send and/or Reitrieve). Check this box to get "Send+Retrieve" by default.

Skip start screen:
If checked the start screen will be skipped.

Leave message on mobile:
If checked a copy of your retrieved messages will be left on your mobile.

With GesendetButton.gif (115 Byte)you can define your personal Signature. It will be append to all new and answered Messages if checked.

To benefit from all the functions of funSMS you have to register. Tip to GesendetButton.gif (115 Byte)for the Registration form.

Write a new message

MitteilungForm.gif (1880 Byte)

In the folder view tip on neuButton.gif (166 Byte)in order to write a new message.

Tip in the recipient field (To:) in order to define the recipient(s).

Enter the text with Graffiti or by using the virtual keyboard. To edit a message tip on the menu button to get the different editing functions. If you leave funSMS during writing a message this message will be stored as a draft in the Outbox folder.

Free: This shows you a chart and the numerical value of how many characters you have still free for writing. A single SMS message can contain up to 160 characters. You also could write a message with more than 160 characters. The text will splitted in more than one message.

SMS:  Shows you the number of the splitted messages by writing more than 160 characters.

aendernButton.gif (110 Byte)

The message is stored in the Outbox folder and marked for sending.

kopierenButton.gif (121 Byte)

The message is stored in the Outbox folder as a draft. i.e. it is not marked for sending.

loeschenButton.gif (117 Byte)

Define further message deteils.

abbrechenButton.gif (128 Byte)

The message or edited changes of an existing message are cancelled.

fragezeichenButton.gif (72 Byte)

This shows the corresponding help text.



SMS to eMail address / fax number:  
To send your message to an eMail address or a fax number, use the menu function "Extra".

Define the recipient(s)

Address book:
All the recipients with a mobile number are entered here. Enteries with several mobile numbers are entered seperately. To restrict the list select catagories top right.

Already selected recipients are entered in the To list.

aendernButton.gif (110 Byte)

Take over the selected recipient from the address book to the To list.

kopierenButton.gif (121 Byte)

Enter a new recipient and add to the To list.

loeschenButton.gif (117 Byte)

Change the selected entry of the To list.

abbrechenButton.gif (128 Byte)

Delete the selected entry of the To list.

abbrechenButton.gif (128 Byte)

Accept the To list.

fragezeichenButton.gif (72 Byte)

This shows the corresponding help text.

Enter a search term.

New and changed receivers have no influence onto entries in the adressbook.

Write the first letter with Graffiti to speed up the recipients choice.

SMS as eMail / fax   (e.g. for Germany)

! This section is only valid for german net providers !
For other countries please refer your net provider for the corresponding procedure and special number!

To send your message to an eMail address or a fax number, use the menu function 'Extra'.

SMS to an eMail address:


At the beginning of message you have to enter the eMail address, followed by a blank. After it there follows your real message. 


At the beginning of the text you have to 'insert an eMail address' with the menu function 'Extra'. Then the Palm address book opens with all entered eMail addresses. Select and take over the eMail address you want. In the receiver field you have to enter the eMail gateway number of your net provider. 
Email gateway numbers of the german net providers:



D2 Mannesmann




Viag Interkom


SMS to a fax number:


The only difference to the normal SMS shipping is, that you enter the  fax number of your receiver instead of the mobile number. Then only a numeral combination must prefixed to this.


Tip in the receiver field (To:) and after it on . With the menu function 'Extra' you could 'insert a fax number' in the 'number' field . Then the Palm address book opens with all entered fax numbers. Select and take over the fax number you want. Then you have to prefix a numeral combination depending on your net provider.
Fax numeral prefix combinations of the german net providers:



D2 Mannesmann




Viag Interkom


Message details

DetailsForm.gif (1660 Byte)

Further details can be determined for every message. At present details limit to

Service center number:
fMML can be set as a standard or another service center can be defined. Enter the number in international spelling.

Send / Receive messages

onlineForm.gif (791 Byte)

Tip on onlineButton.gif (166 Byte), depending on the settings Go Online this dialog appears or "Send + Receive" are carried out automatically.

aendernButton.gif (110 Byte)

All the messages in Outbox folder marked for sending will be sent.

kopierenButton.gif (121 Byte)

All the messages will be retrieved from the mobile and saved in the Inbox folder. If you have checked the box 'Leave message on mobile' in preferences, a copy of the retrieved messages will be left on the mobile. Otherwise the messages will be deleted on the mobile.

loeschenButton.gif (117 Byte)

Send + Receive Sending and retreiving described like above.

abbrechenButton.gif (128 Byte)

Cancels the action.

fragezeichenButton.gif (72 Byte)

This shows the corresponding help text.

Register funSMS


In the folder view tip to einstButton.gif (160 Byte), and choose Registration Edit.

Your HotSync user name is shown. If this is not the case, execute a HotSync to assign one.

Enter the registration key, you’ve got from us, with Graffiti or by using the virtual keyboard.
Valid characters are 2-9 and a-z

aendernButton.gif (110 Byte)

The registration key is verified and stored.

abbrechenButton.gif (128 Byte)

Changes are cancelled.

fragezeichenButton.gif (72 Byte)

This shows the corresponding help.

Edit signatur


In the folder view tip to einstButton.gif (160 Byte), and choose Signature Edit.

Enter the text using Graffiti or the virtual keyboard.

Letters: This shows you a chart and the numerical value of how many characters you have already written. A single SMS message can contain up to 160 characters. You also could write more than 160 characters. Then the text will be splitted in more than one message.

aendernButton.gif (110 Byte)

The signature is stored.

abbrechenButton.gif (128 Byte)

The signature or edited changes are cancelled.

fragezeichenButton.gif (72 Byte)

This shows the corresponding help text.

Edit Commands


The following Edit Commands can be used into text edit fields:

Command.gif (54 Byte)U


Command.gif (54 Byte)X


Command.gif (54 Byte)C


Command.gif (54 Byte)P


Command.gif (54 Byte)S

Select All

Command.gif (54 Byte)K


Command.gif (54 Byte)G


About funSMS

AboutForm.gif (1564 Byte)

Shows the version- and build number.

Tip onto the screen in order to return to the folders.