JackFlash Light Version 2.3.2 Brayder Technologies Inc. Novemeber 27, 2001 Installation: Use the Install Tool to install JackFlashLight.prc on your Palm. After your next HotSync, this program will be available on your Palm device. About JackFlash Light: JackFlash Light lets you try out the features of JackFlash by giving you access to 64k of your Flash memory. If you like JackFlash Light, then we encourage you to buy JackFlash and get access to ALL of the available Flash on your device. The amount of Flash that will be available with JackFlash is displayed in the opening dialog in the bottom right corner. Existing JackFlash Users: JackFlash Light will not replace JackFlash. It will not modify your JackFlash installation in any manner. HackMaster Users: Please note that HackMaster version 0.9 is NOT compatible with JackFlash. Please use version 0.91 which is available from the support area of our website at http://www.brayder.com/support/ JackFlash is also compatible with XMaster and EVPlugBase. They are available from Handango, PalmGear, and other sites that carry Palm software. FlashPro Detected: If you encounter a "FlashPro detected" message when you try to use JackFlash Light, then you will not be able to use Jackflash Light on your device. However, the full version of JackFlash includes a utility which will allow it to run on your device. Please see the documentation for more details. Flash Compatiblity: Most applications work well in Flash, but some do not. You may want to check the list of flash compatible applications that is maintained at http://www.asynccomputing.com/flashram/compatlisting/weblisting/index.htm Applications which need to be "Enabled" may not work correctly with JackFlash Light. Please avoid placing these programs into Flash. Exceptions to this rule include Launchers such as Launch 'em and Handscape. These applications are safe to place in Flash. For more details on Flash compatibility, see the "Flash Compatibility" section of the User Guide. Support: Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at support@brayder.com. We want to ensure that JackFlash exceeds your expectations and that you are fully satisfied with your purchase. This archive contains: Readme.txt this file License.txt the end-user license JackFlashLight.prc the JackFlash Light application to install on your Palm device JackFlashLight.txt the JackFlashLight user manual JackFlash.pdf the JackFlash user manual Please read all the documentation and the software license before using this software.