EGGYLAND Release 0.60 At last, an Eggyland version for your Palm computer! [One heck of an opening line, eh!]. WARNING! The Government of Health and Education wishes to state that it can be dangerous for your health to read this entire doc-file. The maker of it thinks he's really the funniest guy around, so you could laugh yourself death or get brain damage because of the high intellectual level. You've been warned. CHAPTER 1: What, how and why ? ======================================== Star of the show: Mr. EGGY himself (address fanmail to the Official Worldwide Eggy Fanclub). He's the guy who has to do the dirty work in the game and YOU (yes!) control him by applicationkeys. The game is divided in lots of screens, which have to be solved to reach the main goal of the game: free your beloved wife Eggorina. (Well, you actually don't get so see her, but what's a game without sort of a goal?) Some of these screens are easy, but some of them will keep you busy for quite a while (grin...). They have been tested and found GOOD, so they can be done (I'm quit sure of this because I spend several dark nights playing them with only two bags of bugles) To complete a screen you have to collect all the hearts in a screen and then enter the 'gate' represented by a chest (you'll see a big door, just go through!). When you enter it, Eggy will automatically go to the next screen. It's really not as difficult as it {may} seem, just give it a few tries and you'll become addicted (again!) Now a small (five by five) introduction to all the characters in the game: * Eggorina: Eggy's wife, she has to be found. * Leaping Leo: the small, smiling dude. He jumps around the game like a bunny, but when you touch him he falls asleep (reminds you of someone?). * Willie the Worm (AKA Snakey): Also smiling, doesn't move much, just looks around. Pretty harmless although most of the time he is in your way. * Medusa: Doesn't move either, but will shoot you if you come in her way. She can shoot in all directions, so be careful! * Don Medusa. Medusa's husband. Has the same capabilities as his lovely (yuck!) wife, but he moves also. Not a pretty guy to fool with! * Skull: Rests until you have eaten all the hearts in the game, and then he will chase you around. His chewing jaws are Eggy's worst nightmare.... * Dragon: Just as all others, rests until you've eaten all the hearts, but then will wake up, and puff a fire-ball in your direction if he has the chance. Fortunately he only throws fire in the direction helooks, and in a much slower rate than the medusa's. If your far away you even could outrun his Furious Fire. * Hearts: They have to be eaten, some of them (the dark round ones) give you 2 units of power, so Eggy can shoot twice. Sometimes you also can get a Hammer (to break a rock) a Bridge (to cross the water, not the river Kwai) or a Saw (to cut a tree). Use your power wisely {said the Programmer}, or you will run out of it and die a miserable dead, or worse commit suicide (yes, life is hard, and in real life you can't restar). * Water. Ever seen an egg swim? No. So Eggy can't cross the water, except if there's a bridge or Eggy shoots someone and pushes the egg in the water. Eggy hates wet feet. * Arrows. Only one direction allowed here! Just try, you will see the effect. * Rocks. Pure solid stone, the only way to destroy one is using a hammer. * Trees. Pure solid wood and leaves, which can be broken with a saw. * Vaults. Movable block of iron (Or something else heavy), this can protect you from the attacks of your enemies, but also can become a nuisance, if you push them in a wrong direction. * Wall. No special function as yet. {Graffiti?} but they do block you * Eggs. Well, when you shoot an enemy once he will turn into an egg. Great. To get rid of him (or her) just shoot again and WOOSH they're gone. But these eggs can come in handy. You can push the enemy somewhere else, so when he escapes from the egg after a while, he won't be a pain in the ... anymore, or use an egg to cross water. As you can see eggs really are multifunctional! The biggest part of the screen is reserved for the playing area, which is always 11 by 11. The bottom of the screen is divided in 4 areas. The three symbols you see represent the power that Eggy uses when he can shoot. Most of the time you'll see an egg, so shooting just transforms the enemy into an egg. But sometimes you can see a Saw (Cutting a tree), a Hammer (Crush a rock) or a Bridge (lay a one-piece bridge). Next to the three symbols you can see the amount of firepower left in Eggy. Each Powerheart (dark and round) gives you two shooting powers. Next to the shotcount is the screen number, in version 0.50 AND UP there are as many as 100 screens! Oh, yes I forget to mention some special keys for use with Eggyland. Date Book Key: Let Eggy shoot an egg or use another special tool. CHAPTER 2: So, that's it ! ======================================= This should (and will) be enough to play the game! Just do it! (Small commercial for N*ke, who sponsors Eggy's sneakers). During the game you will learn and develop some techniques which are necessary to survive. If you can't complete a screen, just contact me...... CHAPTER 3: Legal Chit-Chat ======================================= If you appreciate this program, you can do one of the following: Nothing because it's all the same and you've got it anyway. And if you want to do me a favor: read either 'Lord of the Rings' by J.R.R Tolkien or 'Hitchhikers guide Through the Galaxy' by Douglas Adams so your wife/husband will not complain that you're using your Palm all day. The author assumes no responsibility for any damage or loss of data caused by the use of Eggyland. I don't see how games like this can cause you harm, (but if you do, contact me! You've got the sneakiest mind I've ever heard of) but at least I've got our backs covered (so I can work undisturbed on more screens). All the trademarks used herein are registered to whoever it is that has the ownership of them. This notification is given without any specific list of trademarks and their respective owners, which would not be as inclusive and first of all would probably take a lot longer to type. Do people really read this small print? ADDENDUM: Bug's Report: ==================================== 0.01 First appearance on this side of the Galaxy of Eggyland. 0.02 Added more screens Some screens were to easy Fixed snakey to egg corruption Added documentation 0.50 100 screens! Eggy couldn't move some vaults if he was halfway under them Fixed screen #43 Some screens are lot more difficult Final beta 0.51 Fixed screen 71, 86 New screens for 78, 79, 84 and 97 (they were to easy or boring) You finally 'get' your beloved Princess Eggorina ! 0.60 Eggy closes eyes when you are thinking Finally some small 'sounds' Medusa wakes up when she shoots you Improved leaper routines Sinking egg reappears in original place Dragons fire if you are in there line (even when they don't see you) New screens for 68, 73, 76, 77, 85, 86, 96 (were to easy or boring)