Welcome To Reaction Test version 0.1 --------------------------------------- by Trevor Livett Copyright (C) 1998 (http://www.TJLivett@aol.com) More Palm Pilot programs can be found at: http://members.aol.com/TJLivett THIS PROGRAM IS FREE for PERSONAL USE. There are three ways to install Reaction Test onto your Pilot. But you first you need CBasPad Basic program by Ronald H Nicolson this can be found at http://www.nicholson.com, or any good Pilot WEB page. 1) Probably the most easiest way to get Reaction onto your Pilot is to use the PalmPilot installation program. Simply insert your Pilot into it's cradle, click onto the install tool, then onto browse, to locate Reaction.PDB, then finally press install. But please be aware that if there is already programs held in CBasPad they will be overwritten. But will work fine if there not. 2) The second way you could get Reaction onto your Pilot would be with Palm Pilot Desktop, again click onto Desktop, when this has loaded. From the top menu choose View, then MemoPAD. Hold the Ctrl button down and press N for NewMemo, then from the file list press Import. Change the file type to TXT, locate Reaction.TXT to import into MemoPad. 3) At this stage now you could simple cut and paste into CBasPad, but as the file is to long you will need to use either ClipHack by Deskfree Computing. Http://www.deskfree.com. or load CBasPad and import it from the Pilot's MemoPad . After CBasPad is loaded press the menu button on your Pilot, then onto Import where it says Input Memo title, input "# Reaction" if this does not math's exactly the file will not be found. 4) That's it Reaction Test is now installed onto your Pilot. I hope you enjoy the program and if you have any suggestions for improving this program, or just to let me know what level you reached please let me know by E-mail. I apologize to the Advanced user of Palm Pilot this is aimed at the novice who does not yet now how to install. I can be reached at: E-Mail : http://www.TJLivett@aol.com Web Page : http://members.aol.com/TJLivett