Knob settings for the SEQ-xx patches.

p  = wanted number of intervals in the octave
x  = coarse setting = Morph 1
y  = fine setting = Morph 2
Ct = 2.x + (2/127)*y = Cents per interval, calculated based upon knob settings.
Pw = 1200 / Ct = calculated number intervals per octave (based upon knob settings)
Qn = quantazation amount for a range of n oktaves = setting for the note quantizer

Wanted Ct is the wanted cents per interval, Ct is the calculated value. The wanted Ct is calculated as 1200 / n, where n is the number of intervals in the octave, 1200 is used because there are 1200 cents in an octave.

The differences between the Pw and p colums give an indication of the mistuning. You can also compare the colums Ct and Wanted Ct, for an ideal system the values in these columns should be equal.

Please note that I did calculate all the values by hand - then I copied them - by hand again, there could be a few miscalculations and typo's.
p x y Ct Pw wanted Ct Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
5 120 0 240 5 240 2.5 5 7.5 10
6 100 0 200 6 200 3 6 9 12
7 85 91 171.43 6.9998163 171.43 3.5 7 10.5 14
8 75 0 150 8 150 4 8 12 16
9 66 84 133,323 9.0007087 133.33 4.5 9 13.5 18
10 60 0 120 10 120 5 10 15 20
11 54 67 109.055 11.001194 109.09 5.5 11 16.5 22
12 50 0 100 12 100 6 12 18 24
13 46 19 92.30 13.001194 92.31 6.5 13 19.5 26
14 42 109 85.72 13.999633 85.71 7 14 21 28
15 40 0 80 15 80 7.5 15 22.5 30
16 37 63 74.99 16.00168 75 8 16 24 32
17 35 37 70.58 17.001339 70.59 8.5 17 25.5 34
18 33 42 66.66 18.001417 66.67 9 18 27 36
19 31 74 63.17 18.997756 63.16 9.5 19 28.5 38
20 30 0 60 20 60 10 20 30 40
21 28 72 57.13 21.003308 57.14 10.5 21 31.5 42
22 27 34 54.54 22.004043 54.54 11 22 33 44
23 26 11 52.17 23.000302 52.17 11.5 23 34.5 46
24 25 0 50 24 50 12 24 36 48
25 24 0 48 25 48 12.5 25 37.5 50
26 23 10 46.16 25.997953 46.15 13 26 39 52
27 22 28 44.44 27.002126 44.44 13.5 27 40.5 54
28 21 55 42.87 27.994122 42.86 14 28 42 56
29 20 88 41.39 28.995434 41.38 14.5 29 43.5 58
30 20 0 40 30 40 15 30 45 60
31 19 44 38.69 31.013431 38.71 15.5 31 46.5 62