MiddleCaps 2.6 @1998-99 Rui Oliveira --------------------- MiddleCaps is intended to ease Graffity input by automatically making letters uppercase or lowercase depending on where the Graffity stroke is drawn. MiddleCaps makes your letters lowercase or uppercase simply depending on where your draw the Graffiti stroke, and regardless of the current shift state. To write uppercase letters you may either choose to start the stroke in a defined zone of the Graffiti area, or to make the stroke to cross a defined vertical boundary. The mode of operation, the Graffiti zones and some other useful options can be set in MiddleCaps preferences panel. MiddleCaps is HackMaster (http://www.daggerware.com/hackmstr.htm) extension and it doesn't work without it. With Hackmaster installed, install MiddleCaps as any other application. You won't see it in the Launcher application, it will be listed in HackMaster. MiddleCaps should be straightforward to configure and use. In the preferences panel (accessible through the + button in HackMaster) you can choose between two operation modes: Crossing line or Starting point. In Crossing line mode Graffiti strokes crossing a configurable vertical boundary of the Graffity area yield uppercase letters. In Starting point mode you can define one or two zones of the Graffity area such that strokes starting inside these zones yield uppercase letters. After selecting the mode of operation adjust the vertical boundary or Graffiti zones at the bottom of the screen with the help of the arrows. Use the Test field to try your settings. Options: Auto-shift: if unchecked the PalmOS autoshift function is disabled. Alpha keyboard: if unchecked the virtual alpha keyboard which pops up by tapping at the bottom-left corner of the Graffiti area is disabled. The numeric keyboard is still available and can be used to invoke the alpha keyboard. Show markers: if checked then on every form with an editable field, markers of the configured vertical boundary or starting point Graffity zones are displayed at the very bottom of the screen. Disclaimer ---------- MiddleCaps is provided "as-is" and without warranty of any kind, express or implied. I can accept no liability for data loss or any other problems caused directly or indirectly by the use of MiddleCaps. MiddleCaps is freeware, use and enjoy! I'll be happy to receive your comments (an email saying you're using it you'd be nice!). You may check http://www.di.uminho.pt/~rco/pilot.html for the latest version. MiddleCaps is copyright 1998-99 by Rui Oliveira. Rui Oliveira Departamento de Informática Universidade do Minho Portugal (rco@di.uminho.pt) Change Log ---------- V1.1 BETA: - Fixed accented characters - Added left/right choice of Caps in Graffiti area V1.2 BETA: - PalmOS 1.x compatible version - Small bug fixes V1.3 BETA: - Preferences are now persistent to resets - Fixed virtual keyboard CapsLock bug V1.4 BETA: - Added optional disabling of auto-shift and alpha virtual keyboard - Fixed bug regarding macro expansion - Minor speed up V1.5 BETA: - Rewrote most of the code to avoid trapping EvtEnqueueKey. - This fixed conflicts with the GoType keyboard, the Symbol SPT1500 barcode reader and solved the Auto-Off problem of previous versions. V1.6 BETA: - Added two CAPS zones (as suggested by Wolfgang Stuerzlinger). V1.7 BETA: - Added "Alpha on crossing" (by request of many people). V1.8 BETA: - Replaced "Alpha on crossing" by "Caps on crossing". Now we check for alpha/digit crossing strokes. V1.9: - Fixed alpha/digit checking. Fixed bug with composed X's. Compatibility with German/Swedish Chars Hack. Fixed V Keyboard bug. V2.0: - Fixed bug with "Bypass Autoshift". - Simplified PalmOS 1.x version. V2.1: - Fixed pen points interference bug. V2.2: - Fixed minor conflict with the GoType keyboard. - Minor Speed up. V2.3: - Fixed ç/Ç. V2.4: - No public release. V2.5: - Clean up. - Configurable crossing line. - On-screen setting reminders. V2.6: - Fixed compatibility with Sweedis/Danish/GermanCharsHack