Zarf's Z'Catalog v1.0 Palm Pilot Program Cataloging Utility (Freeware) Z'Catalog allows you to VIEW, EDIT PROPERTIES and BEAM *ALL* applications, databases and even manipulate hard data in ROM on your Palm Pilot. Very useful for cleaning up old leftover databases, as well as editing properties. Provides extremely in-depth, detailed information about your unit. (To Beam to another Palm/Pilot, make sure the other unit has (beam over) Z'Catalog first). Full documentation is provided within the program. This utility is freeware, provided as is, no warranty. ********** Warning! : ********** Be extremely careful DELETING certain data, as your unit may not function/hotsync properly afterwards, thus requiring a HARD RESET (losing ALL your data) !! Enjoy! By Andrew Plotkin Copyright 1998 --- Zarf's Catalog v1.0 Z'Catalog is a tool which lists all the databases in your Pilot's permanent storage. This includes both data and applications, as well as subsidiary information like preferences and libraries. You can sort the list of databases by name, type, creator, size, and so on. You can also filter the list -- that is, display only databases which match a specific criterion. You can beam any of these databases to another Pilot. This is a great convenience. When you beam an application with the standard beaming tool, none of its associated data files go with it. With Z'Catalog, you can beam any file you want. Z'Catalog also lets you delete any database, and edit some of their properties -- names, types, and flags. You can download Z'Catalog (27K Pilot PRC file). It's freeware, so you have no excuse not to, right? Caution Z'Catalog is a powerful editing utility. Use with care. If you use the editing or deletion commands, it is very easy to destroy or corrupt your data. You may crash PalmOS, requiring a soft or even a hard reset. It is best to hot-sync your Pilot before using Z'Catalog to edit or delete anything. There is no warranty on Z'Catalog, and I assume no responsibility for any loss of data you may suffer while using it. By default, all the dangerous operations (changing or deleting data) are restricted. You have to turn on a "dangerous actions" preference before they'll work, and even after that, there are "Are you sure?" warnings everwhere. So if you just want to list, view, and beam databases, you shouldn't run into any trouble. (Of course, there may still be bugs in Z'Catalog, just like any other piece of software. So I can't warrant that it's completely safe. Just like any other piece of software. Sigh.) Notes Z'Catalog requires PalmOS 2.0 or later. Z'Catalog is an evolving project. Future directions may include... Looking at individual records. Editing individual records. Beaming or deleting groups of databases. By all means email me and make suggestions. Bugs If you attempt to change a database in ROM -- that is, the standard applications and libraries -- PalmOS will crash. This is a great evil, and I think it's a bug in PalmOS. Worse, I can't figure out a way to tell which databases are in ROM, so I can't test for the condition before the crash occurs. Suggestions are welcome from any PalmOS gurus out there. If you receive a beamed database while Z'Catalog is already running, it won't appear in the list. You'll have to exit Z'Catalog and re-enter to rebuild the DB list. The dialogs to change timestamps (creation, modification, and backup) aren't all they could be. Permissions Z'Catalog is copyright 1998 by Andrew Plotkin. You have permission to use, copy, and distribute this program without restriction. Last updated August 5, 1998.