----------------------------------------------------------------------------- GRAVITON 1.4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Background ---------- Because of your skill in handling highly manoeverable craft, you are hired by the Galactic Mining Association to recover crystals from the open caverns of a distant planet. You are teleported in to the mines, and you must recover all the crystals before your employers open a Warp Gate to let you leave. This will appear at the spot where you entered the mine, and you only have a short time to reach it. The caverns are populated by alien creatures protecting their property. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Controls -------- left right pause thrust fire O O /\ O O When paused, press left and fire together to return to title screen Remap keys to those of your choice on the options screen ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Panel ----- First from left: Number of crystals left to collect Second from left: Direction indicator to nearest crystal Third from left: Number of lives remaining (including current) Fourth from left: Score Fifth from left: Fuel remaining (out of 1000) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scoring ------- You receive points for each crystal you collect, and for each enemy you destroy But the real points come in the form of bonuses. You get a time bonus at the end of a level, so the faster you complete the level the more points you get, There are also special bonuses for big points, which you must discover for yourself ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies/Obstacles ----------------- The main denizens of the mines are the Turrets, which track you down and fire at you. Beware also of loose rocks which tumble should you get near them. Further hampering your quest are gravity fields which the aliens have created. Some of these will repel your ship if it comes within range, while others will attract your ship. Colliding with these fields themselves is harmless, but they make your navigation through the tunels more hazardous. Later on you will discover many more callenging enemies to defeat or escape, like alien craft, proximity mines, Gravity emitters, volcanoes, and homing missiles. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See register.txt for registration details ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 1998 Julian Scott julian@seimitsu.demon.co.uk http://www.seimitsu.demon.co.uk why not review this game at www.eurocool.com