Graviton by Julian Scott Version 1.3 Revision history: Saturday Jan 31 1998 -------------------- Started it off, got map going , got poly sprite system functional plan to do pixel perfect collision on backgrounds: with read-pixel poly plot or point-inside poly function for sprite-sprite collsion, I will use box-box or circle-circle test for small sprite(ie bullet) to sprite collision I will use point in box or circle test Sunday Feb 01 1998 ------------------ Incorporated generic object plotter functions and data structure, for both polys and bitmap sprites implemented poly-poly collision for ship vs background, implemented sprite-sprite radius collision for bullets, pickups, etc Monday Feb 02 1998 ------------------ implemented point in poly collision for bullets, small things, etc. vs background put first level map in place implemented options screen (sort of) implemented game control. now fully playable Tuesday Feb 03 1998 ------------------- Put in bullet-enemy collision, and bullet firing, gravity options Added radial attractor and detractor fields Wednesday Feb 04 1998 --------------------- Created 3D package object file converter for creating maps Thursday Feb 05 1998 (my birthday) --------------------- Allow moving scenery, controled by a sprite Homing missiles Gridded off backgrounds for faster collision Monday Feb 09 1998 ------------------ Major (x2) speedup on poly plot. (was previously using generic -ie slow- plotter) Added rudimentary sound controler Added starfield for impression of movement in open spaces Tuesday Feb 10 1998 ------------------- Fixed exiting-back-to-app-screen bug (on all my programs) Wednesday Feb 11 1998 --------------------- Refining some stuff Thursday Feb 12 1998 -------------------- Fixed minor collision bug Implemented scoring, and bonuses Friday Feb 13 1998 ------------------ Implemented Huffman compression for titles and level data, etc. Came accross nightmarish problem. I assumed I had plenty of memory to work with, ie I thought I could allocate scratchpad memory from anywhere on the system. But it seems I only have 32k to work with, and I can only get 13k of this ? Anyway, I just about squeezed a dump buffer in there. I am disappointed! Added falling rocks Added more secret bonuses Monday Feb 16 1998 ------------------ Tidied title screens, added help screen Added path following creatures Tuesday Feb 17 1998 ------------------- Fixed level advance bug (whoops) Wednesday Feb 18 1998 --------------------- Received a lot of comments from people who's Pilots I am crashing. It seems to be when HackMaster stuff is installed! Fixed crash with AppHack.- it was my fault-in PlotStars, add.l d2,a1, without clearing d2 top word! Just luck that it didn't crash without AppHack installed. Testing with lots of HackMaster extensions now- seems OK Added Gravity field bombarders- like wind machines Added arrow pointer to nearest crystal Added lives - 3 lives per game Added beter sound player Thursday Feb 19 1998 -------------------- Added crystals that run away from you - you have to be sneaky Added fade / wipe engine Made level data slightly smaller - more to do also optimised poly sprite data added transporters- kill you if they are closed, shoot them to open Monday Feb 23 1998 ------------------ Added somthing that you shoot to move it around- you have to move it into it's receptical to generate a crystal Further optimised level data - saved 200-300 bytes per level Added volcanoes Added pause mode Added some crystals that defend themselves!! Monday Feb 23 1998 ------------------ Added level passwords Tuesday Feb 24 1998 ------------------ Compressed all levels (now under 64k) Did level complete screen quit to menu from pause with buttons 0 and 3 together Doesn't reset level when you lose a life Slightly relaxed ship-map collision. (it was pixel perfect, but as the walls are stippled, it LOOKED like you weren't colliding when in fact you were.) Tidied up for beta relese Wednesday Feb 25 1998 --------------------- Added Save hiscore and preferences feature Saturday Feb 28 1998 --------------------- Added key remap and variable start lives Friday March 6th 1998 --------------------- That's it. Final 1.0 released. Only poly clipping to fix now Friday March 13th 1998 ---------------------- Made stars disappear behind polys- masked poly edges. Slight optimization Monday March 16th 1998 ---------------------- Made textured walls Wednesday April 8th 1998 ------------------------ Changed to new sound player code fixed occasional 'random collision' bug Monday March 4th 1999 ---------------------- Added Palm IIIx and Palm V compatability