How to make Oblique Strategies databases: This is a somewhat roundabout method, since I haven't been able to scrounge together enough information on the PalmPilot database format to write a desktop application for generating the databases. Bear with me... 1. Copy the appropriate header file to makedata.h. For instance, if you want to make the database for the Oblique Strategies Third Edition, copy makedata_3.h to makedata.h. 2. Make Makedata using the supplied makefile. 3. Install makedata.prc on a Pilot (or emulator, if it's set up to HotSync properly). 4. Run Makedata on the Pilot (or emulator) to create the datbase. 5. HotSync the Pilot (or emulator). The database will appear in the Pilot backup folder as ObStratDB.pdb. 6. Rename the .pdb file to something less generic, like ObStratDB_3.pdb. 7. In the Pilot Memory app, delete both Makedata and ObStratDB. 8. Repeat steps 1-7 for each database you wish to create. Notes: The Makedata application simply takes the Oblique Strategies in its header file, hard-coded as an array of strings, and writes it out to the database ObStratDB. It then flips the Backup bit on ObStratDB so it will be saved during the next HotSync. Makedata and ObStratDB must be deleted before installing a new Makedata and attempting to create a different database. This is because if the ObStratDB already exists, Makedata won't do anything; it can only write a new database if it doesn't find ObStratDB on the Pilot. The ObStrat program itself checks the installed ObStratDB when it starts up to see if the database's Backup bit is set. If it is, ObStrat will unset the Backup bit to avoid unneccessarily backing up the database during each HotSync. If ObStrat hasn't been run but a newly created ObStratDB is installed, ObStratDB will be backed up during HotSync since it hasn't had the Backup bit flipped yet.