Reptiods Release Notes 4/28/97 Reptoids is a fast paced 2D spaceship game. Flying through space you will need to destroy asteroids and alien saucers while collecting bonuses. Reptoids is harder than other games like HardBall and SubHunt because the ship moves in two directions instead of one. Also, because there's no friction in space the ship never slows to a stop. To stop, spin the ship around thrust the engines to slow down. Generally people play one of two different ways. There's those who enjoy careening wildly through space and then there's those who play it safe and stay only in the middle and simply spin in place. Both ways work but the first takes a lot more skill to survive. The warp button (the up button) is key to the game. It is risky since you may warp straight into the center of a rock but it is the only way to survive otherwise hopeless situations. If you are dying a lot you probably aren't using the warp button. One last tip for sucess is to keep as few rocks onscreen as possible. Try finishing off a rock before moving to another. If you let too many rocks loose you are guarenteed to get hit! Enjoy! Roger Flores For the 2.0 release, a public beta is being tried in the interest of getting the program out to those who want the new features sooner and to increase the testing. This release of Reptoids runs only on PalmPilots. Owners of Pilots should continue to use Reptoids 1.0. Reptoids is released as freeware. Distribute it wherever you want but keep this file and the game together. Source code is available. My hope is that people will use the code to write other cool games similar to Time Pilot, Bosconian, and so on. So check it out! I assume no responsibility for any damage that Reptoids may do.