--------------------------------------------------------------- Tank Commander 1.4 for the Pilot/PalmPilot/WorkPad 03/25/98 Gary Lorensen --------------------------------------------------------------- This game for the Pilot/PalmPilot/WorkPad puts you in command of a tank in hostile territory. Your mission is to capture the flag protected behind fortress walls. To do this, you need to take out enemy tanks and fast attack helicopters, avoid incoming homing missiles, and run down foot soldiers. The thick walls of the fortress itself are protected by gun turrets. Scattered throughout are radar stations that can alert the enemy to your whereabouts and bring them running. Fortunately there are munitions and repair tools stored in some fortresses and scattered around in open country. Pick them up to replenish your supplies and keep your tank running. If you enjoy the game, send me mail at GLorensen@aol.com or visit http://members.aol.com/GLorensen for other programs. --------------------------------------------------------------- This program runs on both PalmPilot Personal & Professional (PalmOS v2.x) as well as the original Pilot 1000 & 5000 (PalmOS v1.x). I have tested it on my PalmPilot Professional and using CoPilot emulating a Pilot 5000. --------------------------------------------------------------- This program is provided as-is, with no warranty given or implied. The author is not responsible for damage or loss of data caused by using this application. --------------------------------------------------------------- To play the game, you steer the tank using pen strokes and tap on objects to shoot at them. Select your weapons on the right console and determine your position by looking at the map in the upper right corner. Your status and frame rate are displayed in the lower right corner. My typical frame rate starts at around 3 frames per second and tops out around 25 fps. To drive the tank, make a pen stroke from the tank in the direction you want to move. The length of the stroke determines your speed. A short stroke means the tank moves slowly. A long stroke means the tank moves more quickly. To shoot, tap on the object you want to shoot at. If its moving, you may need to lead it a little. If you are firing a homing missile, you need to tap directly on the object in order to get a lock. Note that you can also shoot down missiles. If you've got an incoming homing missile on your tail, drop some mines or fire some missiles at it. This will decrease the damage it causes if it hits, and may destroy it. To select your weapon, tap one of the four buttons on the right. The top button is "Shots". Selecting this means you fire bullets. The good news is that you never run out. The bad news is it's nearly impossible to kill anything with them. The next button down is missiles. These pack a punch, but the aren't intelligent -- you need to lead an object you are firing at if you want to score a hit. The third button is homing missiles. They are your friends. They are FAF (Fire And Forget). You tap on the object you want to take out and it does the rest. The fourth button is land mines. Tapping this button drops a mine out the back of your tank. Very useful for discouraging tailgaters. --------------------------------------------------------------- New features: ------------- v1.4 ---- - The "I picked up a bonus and it stole my missiles" bug is fixed. - New scalable animation makes things look better rather than just moving faster at higher frame rates. - Blowing up trucks is no longer just gratuitous violence -- sometimes you get some goodies. - The infamous "Fatal Error" when returning from the Setup & About windows is fixed (almost -- I still have one unhappy customer) - Oops! The turret shots where blowing up wall sections. That's not supposed to happen. - The bad guys have better collision avoidance -- no more backing through walls! - The "hard" mode just got harder! Now more bad guys get created as you blow them up. - That annoying 1 point health ding when you run into walls was removed. - No more "accidental shot" at the start of the game. v1.3 ---- - Game gets saved/restored when you switch apps (98% working) - Better detection of pull down menu to pause the game - Fixed map after changing the world size and starting new game - Better memory utilization to avoid Memory Manager errors - Status correct when you hit new game v1.2 ---- - Helicopters! - When you pull down the menu, the game pauses - New Setup option to select game difficulty and world size - Objects don't materialize inside each other or fortress walls - Game gets saved/restored when you switch apps (95% working) v1.1 ---- - Disabled "revenge from the grave", where you could continue to shoot even after dying. - Make the flag disappear when you pick it up, and pop up a "New Game" button. - Better frame rate through better object management --------------------------------------------------------------- Known Problems/Future Updates ----------------------------- - Continuous bad guy creation as a Setup option? - Occasional reports of "chunk under locked" or "heap over locked". If you get one of these, send me details! - Use the buttons for steering the tank & firing (lots of requests for that one) - During save game, save & restore previous homing missile locks. - Better collision detection when trying to squeeze through a break in the wall to get the flag. - Better speed control & speedometer - Add more game variations, like labrinth, multiple levels, boss, hostage, capture the flag, etc. - Better graphics. (Hey, I'm a programmer, not an artist.) - Add sounds. - If a homing missile has a lock, highlight its target. - When things blow up, scatter some of their goodies around. - Two player via serial cable - Multi-player via HotLink (http://members.aol.com/gmayhak/tcl/hotlink.htm) - Left-handed weapons controls --------------------------------------------------------------- Frequently Asked Questions -------------------------- Q: Can I destroy the fortress walls? A: Yes, you can, but it takes a lot of hits. You need to shoot a wall segment 17 times, or hit it 5 times with a missile, or 3 times with a homing missile. Q: I've shot a hole in the wall, but I still can't get to the flag. A: Until I can fix some problems in the game, you'll probably need to blow out several sections of wall before you can get to the flag, unless you can CAREFULLY drive straight through the gap in the wall. I need to handle collision detection more precisely (and quicker!) Q: How do I drive the tank? A: You use pen strokes to steer the tank. Drag the pen from your tank in the direction you want to move. A short stroke makes your tank go slowly, a long stroke makes your tank go faster. This gives you complete freedom to travel in any direction you want, at any rate you want. Q: Why are the humans so hard to spot? A: Because I wanted to keep their size proportional to the tanks, and it's really hard to do a nice bitmap of a human in 8 orientations in a 4x4 2-color matrix. --------------------------------------------------------------- Tank Commander was developed using GCC v0.5.0 under Windows 95. Testing was done using my own PalmPilot Pro and CoPilot running PalmOS v1.0. If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or criticisms, mail me at GLorensen@aol.com. This program is also available at http://members.aol.com/GLorensen ---------------------------------------------------------------