GPS Pilot: Microsoft Autoroute 2001 conversion Autoroute 2001 Import maps from Microsoft Autoroute 2001 (Thanks to Guy Jadot for this section) Microsoft Autoroute 2001 provides European detail maps, travel information from Ireland to the Urals and from Norway to Spain. To import these maps into GPS Pilot mapping and display software follow this guide. Open Microsoft Autoroute 2001, and select the map area with the mouse. Click on the "Tool" item or "Outils" in French . Then select the "Geographical coordinates" or "Coordonnées géographique". With the arrow, select the coordinates of the top left corner (I,g), and select the coordinates of the bottom right corner (I', g'). Save as a web page, in a directory previously created "PalmMaps" Close Microsoft Autoroute 2001 Open GPS Pilot Cartographer, select the "Add" button. Open the "PalmMaps" directory, and select the sub directory of the saved web page. Select *.gif type files Click on the image_map name Choose the color depth of the map, compress and select Ok. Enter maps coordinates (I,g and I',g') Save the active maps database with a new name (save as...) And then close Cartographer. Start the Palm desktop tool, and install, add the pdb file just created. Then hotsync your Palm. [ Home ] [ Products ] [ Downloads ] [ Support ] [ Press ] [ Company ] Questions, comments contact is at