IrPad version 1.0 This program allows you to print on IR-enabled printer, communicate with mobile phone or with PC using IR link. This is a public domain. NO WARRANTY. How to print: ------------- Paste the text in to the text area; point your Palm to the IR printer and press SEND button. In order to begin printing select Disconnect (or simply close application). SEND button will send only the selected text or whole text area if nothing was selected. How to communicate with mobile phone: ------------------------------------- Terminal mode must be enabled. Establish connection by selecting Connect item from menu. Now you can type the AT-commands. How to communicate with PC: --------------------------- (Tested on Windows98 using HyperTerminal) Infrared communications must be enabled on PC (in BIOS setup and in Infrared Monitor applet). Make HyperTerminal connection using "Direct to COMx" option (where COMx is a port used by Windows infrared support). Note that terminal must be in "connected" mode. Establish connection by selecting Connect item from menu. Now you can exchange data between PC and Palm. Supported: ---------- IrLPT IrCOMM 3-Wire raw IrCOMM 3-Wire and 9-Wire (without control channel) Minimal requirements: --------------------- Palm III PalmOS 3.1 Development: ------------ PRC-Tools 2.0 and SDK 3.1 Bug fix: -------- 28.04.00 - fixed bug causing fatal error when the IR library open operation fails. Sergey Udovenko