TomeRaider Palm v1.00 Thank you for trying this software. We hope you find its use an enjoyable and rewarding addition to your Palm Pilot. If you have any questions then please send an email to ************ File List [1] TomeRaider.prc The TR Palm installer. [2] Help.pdb TR Palm help file. [3] TRPImport.exe TR Palm File Importer [4] Instaide.dll Needed for [3] (Place in same directory) [5] Readme.txt This file. ************ Installing TR Palm On your PC open TomeRaider.prc and select your Palm User name in the Install Tool and then Hot Sync to your Palm. ************ Installing a TomeRaider file. With the advent of TR Palm there are now two types of TomeRaider file: [1] Base TomeRaider files (these have the extension .tr) [2] Palm TomeRaider files (These have the extension .pdb) TR Palm will only read the pdb versions of TomeRaider files. These can be downlaoded for free from and installed straight onto your Palm device. To convert a Base TR file into a Palm TR file ready for import you need yo use TRPImport.exe. Run the application and browse to the Base TR file you want to import. Now specify the destination file name of the Palm TR file and, if you want to HotSync the file, check the check box. You can also give the document a new name/title. The importer will convert the file ready for HotSyncing. That's all there is to it. ************ Getting TomeRaider files: You can download free TomeRaider files already in the Palm TR format from: Or you can download Base TR files, that you will need to import yourself, from: ************ Send comments, bug reports or suggestions to