This document consists of significant notices about current release of MegaDoc. 1) This release of MegaDoc is not intended for run under any localized Palm OS versions. It supports only standard Palm OS fonts, which consists of anglish and most national european chars. You can try to launch MegaDoc in localized Palm OS version, but we can not guarantee it's normal functioning in that case. 2) Palm DOC documents are still have limited support. MegaDoc does not support bookmarks, and may take certain time to load such documents. Also it does not allow to write compressed Palm DOC documents. So if you will change such document into MegaDoc it will be written in uncompressed form. 3) To reduce waiting time during loading Palm DOC document, documents of such type loaded in background. During background loading many of MegaDoc functionalityes are disabled. Also you can not edit document during loading.