========================================= What does ThinkDB do? ThinkDB helps you create or run your very own palm applications. It's easy to create (about 5 minutes) and simple to customize. Every day the ThinkDB community is creating applications for new users to increase their enjoyment of ThinkDB. We call these applications "tinybytes". ThinkDB is great for business and personal use. With each upgrade the program becomes even more powerful. Also, you may wish to download or read the user’s guide to thinkDB 2.0. This is available at http://www.thinkingbytes.com/support/manual.html The desktop version is available for download from our website at http://www.thinkingbytes.com/thinkdb/desktop.html This is still listed as a trial/demo version, but you will still have full usage of the desktop program by clicking on “Trial” or typing in the registration code. How do I install? You need to open the zip file and doubleclick on ThinkDB2.prc. This will then be added to your palm install tool. The next time you hot sync, ThinkDB will be installed on your palm. You can also install any of the free tinybytes with ThinkDB but they need ThinkDB to run. How to begin? To get started building your own tinybyte, open ThinkDB and tap on the menu icon (lower left icon) and tap on "Create New tinybyte". Name it and define the fields that make up your application. For example, I might want to record all the CDs in my collection. Each CD has a title, singer, play time, label, genre, and perhaps a date and maybe a location. These are all fields. You simply name each field and then tell ThinkDB whether this information is text, memo, number, date or whatever you might dream up. Once you designate each bit of information you want to collect, you are ready to design your palm application. You do that by moving to the form designer. It can be found by tapping on the drop down menu in the upper righthand corner. You can also get to the form designer by tapping on the hammer icon in the tool bar. Before we review the form designer, let's just explain each icon in the tool bar. From left to right, the house (takes you to the home page of all applications), the sheet of paper (add a new record), the trash can (delete a record), the full sheet (reports), the tornado (beaming a tinybyte), the hammer (complete application building tools), AZ/ZA (sort), funnel (filtering), and magnifing glass (find). Now, when you tap hammer and go to the form designer, ThinkDB provides you with three tabs to place all you information upon. You can add more or remove a few. You can also rename each one to hold specific information. You do that by tapping on the Tabs: 3 list in the lower center of the screen. Simply choose to add more or rename them. Once you have selected the optimal number of tabs to display your information, you simply tap on the screen and place your fields. Also, you can move the whole tab structure up or down by tapping the layout tool on the lower right of the screen. Once all the fields are place, hit done and your ready to use ThinkDB. You can resize the columns, create unigue views of your data by tapping on the List01 tool. Or you can begin to populate your application by tapping on the sheet of paper icon (add a new record). For more advanced features of the product, check out www.thinkingbytes.com and download our manual. We also have a desktop application for Windows based PCs available for purchase from our website at www.thinkingbytes.com. The Thinkingbytes Team! ThinkDB ©1999-2000 ThinkingBytes Technology, Inc.