Notable objects, because I'm getting lazier. Documents to Go 11 - office suite, its nice (quickoffice premier 7.6.4 is also nice) livingosoft talking eng-spa 423 - some spanish learning thing Noah Pro 3 - probably the best dictionary available, requires FULL.PDB on SD card or in memory, since its the dictionary itself. People Counter - like that metal counter you see being used by bus drivers or other people, except not as fun. PhotosHQ 1.0.4 - improves phototaking somewhat, although only so much can be done for these cameras, dont expect 40 MP 1020 shots here. PowerOne Graph 4.1 - fancy calculator, graphs (gasp!) and everything - great to-do list and organizational tool for students - great PDF reader Stopwatch(2).prc - 2 is fancier I believe and recommended Weekup_full.prc - great alarm clock if your schedule is different each day.