Mulg II - a puzzle game for the palm pilot and compatibles
Copyright (C) 1998 - 2001 by Till Harbaum, Pat Kane and Tomoto Shimizu

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

The sources for mulg are available at

The archive contains three binaries:
- mulg.prc works with 2bpp grayscale graphics (black, white and two
shades of grey) and works on all black'n white palms
- g_mulg.prc uses the 4bpp grayscale graphics (16 shades of grey)
available on EZ-cpu based machines. This program runs on all
EZ-CPU based black'n white palms (e.g. Palm IIIx, Palm IIIe,
Palm IIIxe, Palm V, Palm Vx, the newer Palm VII models, the
Visor and the TRG Pro). This version looks ugly on some Palm IIIe,
Palm IIIx and Palm IIIxe (and perhaps other devices). This is
due to a hardware problem of the display of the III series.
Please try the 2bpp version instead.
Since Mulg IIo the 4bpp version should run on any current Palm
device (Visor Prism and Platinum and the Palm IIIc as well).
- c_mulg.prc is the color version of mulg and runs on all
color palm devices based on the SED1375 video unit (Palm IIIc and
Visor Prism).

HotSync the required mulg binary and at least one level database
(mulg.pdb, mulg2.pdb or mulg3.pdb) to your pilot. For tilt sensor
support optionally install the appropriate tilt driver lib.

Since version IIe, the binary and the level databases can be stored in

There isn't very much to say here, just start the game and play the first
level. Once you've completed one level, you are allowed to play the next
one, too. It's recommanded to start with the levels in 'Classic Mulg'
(mulg.pdb), then play 'The Story goes on' (mulg2.pdb) and then 'The next
chapter' (mulg3.pdb). You may also install third party level databases
from the mulg homepage.

Hardware addon:
Instructions to add a tilt sensor to the pilot to play the game by tilting
the pilot can be found under:

Since version IIe, mulg uses a seperate tilt driver. Without tilt hardware
installed on your pilot, you don't need to install any driver.

If you are interested in purchasing a tilt add-on for your Palm,
please contact the author.

Graphic level editors:
Visit the mulg homepage
for links to graphic level editors.

More levels:
More level databases are available at the mulg homepage.

The mulg source can be compiled under Linux using the prc-tools-2.0 available
at 3com developers pages. Additionally you'll need the PalmOS 3.5 header
files (OS35 is required to compile the color version, if you only need the
greyscale versions, you might be able to use the OS 3.1 headers supplied
with the sdk. Please remove the '-D OS35HDR' from the Makefile when using
the old header files).

Version history:
1.0 initial release
1.1 fixed exception when entering border area (happened in level 5)
1.1b fixed problem with document in level 15
1.1c system game sound preferences are used
II level compiler/levels from databases
div. bug fixes
new tiles (flip/groove/bomb disp/radio button ...)
support for adxl202 tilt sensor
IIa fixed auto power off when using the tilt sensor
IIb tilt sensor support switched off for OS version > 3.02 (for Palm IIIx
and Palm V) and fixed little display bug
IIc fixed some problem with low batt warnings, changed the sensor
support to be disabled with EZ CPUs (patch from Goeff Richmond)
and a little fix in greyscale memory handling.
(the low batt stuff still has some problems which causes the
screen sometimes to switch for a second to BW even when there
is no real low batt warning displayed, i have seen other
applications like the TinyViewer having the same problem but
don't know a solution. I think this is better than to ignore
the low batt warning at all like i did in prior versions)
IId minor bug fixes
IIe changed tilt sensor interfacing to use sensor library
added support for rom based level databases
added gif image based tiles
fix screen flicker with OS 3.3 or the visor
4 bit per pixel graphics engine (still needs graphics)
IIf PEK added "light weight" blocks and "switch spaces"
IIg finished 4bpp graphics engine
added color support
and switched to prc-tools-2.0
removed limitation to 16 level databases
IIh memo tiles
IIi scarab bug fix
tilt interface doesn't automatically comply about missing dongle
IIj beam level databases
IIk fixed bug in code for breaking light boxes
IIl skipped, because version numbering looked ugly
IIm fixed bug introduced with IIk bug fix
IIn new tiles: hanoi pyramid, walker and swapped
IIo fixed walker bug, new 4bpp greyscale code (works
on Visor Platinum, Prism and Palm IIIc, font fixes
for multibyte fonts (e.g. japanese)

Have fun,
Tomoto, Pat & Till