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\f0\fs24 \cf0 Idea Pad for PalmOS\
Version 3.3\
nosleep software\

\f1\b Important:
\f0\b0 The 3.x release is not compatible with previous 2.x releases. This is because the 3.x release now stores each file as a separate file on your handheld, rather than all of them in a single file as in previous releases. For this reason, you must delete any previous version of Idea Pad before you can use this version. You will lose all your previous Idea Pad data when you do this, so only delete it if you do not need your old Idea Pad files. This is the first time a release has been incompatible with previous releases and unfortunately could not be avoided.\

\f1\b Quick Start:
\f0\b0 To get going right away, just install IdeaPad.prc and MathLib.prc (usually by double-clicking on each file) onto your device and sync.\
The included user manual is in Adobe Acrobat format and requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to view (free download @\
Check out for news, product updates, and other cool stuff. Other than that, if you run into any problems feel free to contact us via\
It's free! So share it with your friends!\
-nosleep software\