Imhotep: Frequently Asked Questions Q: How do your posts work? A: I download the original package, crack/serialize the program, add (when cracked) the cracked version and a file called: 'cracked.txt' of 'serial.txt' within the package with what to do and what I've done. This way you always have the original in case you want to by a license anyway. Q: What program must I install? A: In case of a serial, install .prc. In case of a crack, install .cracked.prc. Q: Are all programs cracked? A: When there is a file called serial, no! When there is a file called cracked, yes! When the program is cracked you still need to read the 'cracked.txt'. Sometimes you'll must enter any name and/or any serial before the program will act registered. Q: Do you requests? A: Sometimes. When I can't find anything in the open. Sometimes I check requests, but when there is no url inside I'll usually ignore them. Imhotep