ABG Pro version 2.2 A program that will completely analyze arterial blood gases for you! No longer will you be confused by ABG's. Not only will the program tell you whether or not you have a metabolic or respiratory acidosis or alkalosis, but it will also calculate expected PCO2 and expected HCO3 when needed, and will then tell you if there is a concominant acid-base disorder. It will even calculate Anion Gap and Delta-Delta if necessary (not sure what Delta-Delta is? Download the program and we will tell you!) Impress your attendings and fellow residents Compiled into fast, efficient machine code using Quartus Forth Only needs 18K of your precious memory (no 50+ K math libraries required!) It's Freeware. I simply ask you to register so that I will know how many are using it (so that I will then be motivated to write more great software) Available from http://www.stacworks.com VERSION HISTORY: V 1.0 - Initial release V 1.1 - Added Disclaimer notice, fixed minor bug to correct stability issues when grossly abnormal values entered, added standard Edit menu to the Register form. V 2.0 - Added Henderson-Hasselbalch equation checking and international units support V 2.1 - Allow for some variability in the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation, a better registration form, and the ability to leave Na+ and Cl- empty if you choose not to use them. V 2.2 - Bug fix for occaisional crashes on Visors and some other palm units. Will now state 'Normal ABG Values' if ALL values are normal.