Changes in SuperWaba 3.1 1. Fixed problem in GuiBuilder. . when installing the VM in PocketPC without fonts, now the right message is displayed. 2. Fixed bug when an image was created in the constructor of an application. 3. added Ken Turner fixes to javadocs of WExtras and JGui. 4. added a check in ResizeStream.restartRecord to see if it is < 0. If yes, append the record . removed wextras/src/waba/* files. Not sure what they were doing there. . removed packages from JTable. 5. now if you add an array of items with the listbox empty, the array will be directly assigned. 6. fixed bug when trying to initialize a hashtable with size 0. Thanks to Roman Solodovnichenko. 7. added Kambis Darabi code to fix problem when a MultiEdit loses focus, while it owns the focus and the cursor is visible, the cursor is not erased 8. added Ken Turner upgrade of jgui.ui.ScrollBar, Scroller, TabBar and TextArea to SuperWaba 2.x. 9. removed deprecated methods from jgui package 10. fixed bug when loading bitmaps greater then the current screen resolution 11. added Frank Diebolt changes to the memory manager to fix some memory leaks 12. fixed "Record not busy" error in Pose. It was caused by a missed DmGetRecord in CatalogResizeRecord. 13. fixed GuiBuilder when using grayscale devices. 14. added support for jdk 1.2 class file format to fix the "field not found" bug when compiling using JDK 1.4 . Important! The JDK 1.2 class file format makes the VM a little slower and the file size bigger, and it has no really benefits. So, to avoid this, you can pass to the compiler "-target 1.1". 15. fixed double to float casting in Windows CE. 16. fixed "SW has just written to storage heap" when dealing with sockets. 17. Now is possible to run more than one SuperWaba application at the same time. Note that you still can't run the same application concurrently (more than 1 instance of the same application). 18. fixed screen corruption when dealing with socket where the popup window changed the current screen location but the controls mygs were not invalidated 19. removed Edit.canPopupKCC. Added a new method setKeyboard where you can specify which popup will be used. Use with constants KBD_xxx. 20. new constant Edit.PASSWORD_ALL (used in setMode) to change all chars to * (hides also the last letter) 21. changed createStringFromUTF by a request of Oli E. to remove the cast to byte and make it an uint16. 22. now in WinCE, Vm.debug creates a file in the program directory called DebugConsole.txt. Every time the file reach 32000 bytes, it is zeroed and started again. The file is created in each program's directory to avoid concurrency of multiple SW programs trying to write to the same file. . fixed GuiBuilder in order to let Edit, ComboBox and ListBox have their values empty. . GuiBuilder: added 2 more code options: as Window and as Container. Thanks to Yehuda for the idea (and some code) . GuiBuilder: if code is for Window, you can select the width/height for it. 23. new method InputDialog.getEdit. you can use it to set the Edit mode or other attribute. 24. fixed Image.applyPalette passing wrong max index. 25. changed Button.onlyShowImage to support transparent colors. 26. now you can set the transparent color of an Image to null to make it use the background 27. fixed desktop's Graphics.applyPalette, that changes were not reflecting in the SystemPalette 28. fixed image palette storing in device. This fixes problems when displaying transparent bitmaps with 16 colors in a Color device. 29. fixed a problem when loading images with only 2 bits that caused a fatal error.