Hiroyuki Okamoto
[Introduction|What's New|Download|Installation & Setup|F.A.Q.]
  • Introduction
  • PalmIRC is a chat client based on IRC (Internet Relay Chat) protocol RFC1459 that runs on PalmPilot Professional. I don't test this on PalmIII yet.
  • What's new
  • Download

    PalmIRC Ver1.0 PreRelease01 for PalmPilot Professional (.zip)

  • Installation and Setup
    1. Download PalmIRC(PalmIRC Ver1.0 PreRelease01 for PalmPilot Professional (.zip)) and extract the archive.
    2. Install PalmIRC.prc on your PalmPilot Professional.
    3. Set up your Network and Modem (if you have not done yet.).

    4. (Select `Modem Prefs' and `Network Prefs' in `Options' menu.)
    5. Select PalmIRC from launcher on your PalmPilot Professional.
    6. Select Menu Options-Preferences and edit the properties (you must enter all field except Password field on this Preferences dialog. Password is optional.)
    7. Connect your PalmPilot Professional with modem.
    8. Select Menu Record-Connect. Now you can connect to IRC server. Welcome to the IRC world!
  • Frequently Asked Questions
    1. What is IRC (Internet Relay Chat) ?

    2. See the following info:  
    3. How can I join Channel?
    4. You have 2 ways to join channel:

      1. Select menu Cmd - Join

      2. PalmIRC displays "Join" dialog. Fill in "channel" field on this dialog and tap "OK" button, then new channel buffer is displayed on "Message" field.
        You can open 3 new channel buffer.
      3. Input "/join #channelname"

      4. PalmIRC does not open the new channel buffer. its channel is displayed "[general]" buffer.
    5. How can I change channel ?

    6. Tap Channel trigger(upper right corner on the screen) and select channel.
      "[General]" buffer displays  no-channel-related messages.
    7. How can I send my message ?

    8. You have 2 ways to send message:
      1. Input text on "Input" field and tap "Send" button. PalmIRC sends current channel.
      2. Input text like below
        1. /privmsg #channelname :Hello!
        Using the same way, you can send message to person.If you want to do so,
        change #channelname to personname.
    9. It's very low speed to receive and display  message from server
      1. Tap and focus input field.
    10. How can I use other commands ?
    11. Input the text which starts with slash letter ('/'). Input text must be the IRC message format defined by RFC1459. PalmIRC sends this text to server directly. for example,

        /names #channelname
          This command is used to list all nicknames on "#channelname" channel.
        /privmsg tom :Hi, How are you ?
          This command sends tom  private message "Hi, How are you ?"
        /topic #channelname :New Topic
          This command is used to change the topic of a channel to "New Topic".
        /kick #Finnish John :Speaking English
          Kick John from #Finnish using "Speaking English" as the reason (comment).

        /quit :Gone to have lunch

          A client session is ended with a quit message "Gone to have lunch".

      Besides these commands, there are many commands for IRC. In detail, see RFC1459.
      IRC Commands are case insensitive.

    Hiroyuki Okamoto