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This software runs in Palm OS™. It is not intended to replace conventional methods, it is intending to be a help and resource  for students and engineers. WaterFlow is a resource in hydraulic, it allows to determined:

   The geometry of open channels, ditches or canals in the following shapes (Triangle, trapezoid, rectangle).
   The head energy in a distribution pipe (Bernoulli)
   The Reynolds number
   The hydraulic jump in an open channel

There are some assumptions to consider in the use of this application:

   The open channel are in regular geometry.
   It's up to you to determine the reference line in the energy equation.
   The variables are all known to produce and make to work the equation.
   Keep consistent units

Handling errors

When an error occurs in the device. Finish the application and reenter de data. If you need to recalculate in the same form, press the Calc button again.