The PRE version is a stripped off release of the standard Resco Explorer to be used with MotionApps Classic emulator. It works on the Palm OS devices as well, but you loose substantial part of the functionality. List of features not supported in the PRE release: - tar/bzip2 support - Bluetooth browsing of remote devices - Network browser (However, you can browse a LAN computer if you set up its address manually) - Documents folder - Card: Formatting, labeling, FAT scan - External tools (reader/viewer/player) - Limited application launching - Audio player - Flush DbCache - Beam/Bluetooth sending - Network disconnect - Reset Supported features: - Complete file management - DB viewer - Zip - Image preview - Backup/Restore - FTP - Browsing of the LAN computers - Control panel with alarms, preferences browser, network tools etc. - Text editor - Http download - Tools such as search, filter, directory synchronization etc. Installation: Apply standard procedure to be used with the Classic emulator, i.e. copy it onto the Classic's virtual SD card to the folder /PALM/Programs/Launcher/. Registration: Apply the same reg code that you use for your Palm OS device: 1. Type the HotsyncID into the User field 2. Apply the unlock code that you received with the purchase of Resco Explorer 2009 for Palm OS.