Booty 2000 v.2.0


MegaSoft Ltd 1999-2000

Palm Software Division.



Platform: Palm OS 3.0, 3.1, 3.3, 3.5 (B/W), 3.5 (Color)



Little John used to hate porridge and not to obey the elders. Once malicious pirates kidnapped naughty John and brought him to their piratical ship. John was quick in the uptake and understood very soon that there was nobody to help him and so he had to get out by himself. But in order to leave the ship he has to collect all keys and all things stored in the holds. Luckily for John the pirates appeared to be confirmed drunkards and so after a regular booze - up they left all keys. John is pressed for time and has to be in a hurry. There are a lot of wild birds, vile rats and blood - thirsty pirates' guards on his way. Meeting with them doesn't promise anything good for John. But they like every evil can't be killed. Only John's youth and quickness can save him. Help John defend himself from all those loathsome creatures and survive escaping on the other floors, otherwise you will have to start every time from the very beginning. Remember that the number of lives is limited. There is no time to hesitate! Dare! Good luck! You will win all those monsters and "frankenstaines".



  1. For Palm OS 3.0,3.1,3.3 - folder Booty30 (Booty30.prc + Levels.pdb)
  2. For Palm OS 3.5 (b/w) - folder Booty35b (Booty35b.prc + Levels.pdb)
  3. For Palm OS 3.5 (color) - folder Booty35c (Booty35c.prc + Levels.pdb)


Control of the game:


New Game - starting new game

Controls - selecting the controls by default (or you can change the control buttons as you like). Remember that at any controls selection you can steer John in the Graffiti entry area with the help of stylus. For this you hold the stylus in the required position (right - left, up - down) that will make John move in the desired direction.

Sound - sound effects volume control

Continue - to continue the current game.



Uses PalmPilot RAM:


If you have Booty v.1.0:

1. Delete Booty v.1.0:

2. Soft Reset

3. Install Booty v.2.0:


If you want to buy it address to:

We will appreciate all your remarks and comments which can be addressed to:

Original idea of John F. Cain

This program was written by : Boris WM Sozin, Arthur Asloyan

All rights reserved.

MegaSoft Ltd 1999-2000