FontHack123 V2.2

(C) 2000 Sergey Menshikov

Although FontHack is copyrighted, it is absolutely and unconditionally free.

FontHack 123 is a font substitution program similar to FontHack Plus.


FontHack 123 works on Palm Pilot versions starting from Pilot 1000 and up to Palm IIIc with PalmOS3.5.

If the system version is unknown to FontHack, it will complain and refuse to operate.

You would need HackMaster for this hack to operate. Please download and register HackMaster if you did not yet.

Hackmaster can be downloaded from or


Visit Hack configuration screen in HackMaster, select specific app or "All" and specify fonts to substitute.

Press Save button

Activate the hack in HackMaster byt checking the checkbox.

Fonts can be downloaded on (search fonts) or visit links on FontHack123 page.


Please deactivate and remove previous version of FontHack 123 before installing new version.

If you want to make your own fonts

Use Makefont68 (Mac) or Pilot Font Editor (Windows) to create fonts.
FontHack 123 supports multiple-font PDB files.

More Font editor referenced from FontHack123 page.

To create multiple font PDB using Pilot Font Editor:


FontHack 123 (C) 1998-2000 Sergey Menshikov

Pilot Font Editor (C) 1998 Sergey Menshikov

Release History

FontHack123 V2.2 Changes

FontHack123 V2 Changes