The file that is downloaded from the web site is a compressed, self extracting, executable named PkgConvertz10a.exe. This file contains the Convertz program, database, and associated documentation.

It is recommended that you download this file into a separate folder and run it to extract the contents. By default the self extracting executable will suggest, C:\Convertz as the folder to hold the extracted files. If the default setting is not suitable you have the option to either enter a different location or "Browse" your file systems to select a different location,.

It is also recommended that you save a backup copy of the self extracting executable on some other media.

When you purchased the Convertz program, you received a registration code. This code is used to verify the validity of the copy of Convertz being installed. The program will not function without this code. Be sure to save this registration code and all purchase data. The purchase data will be required if you ever change the Palm user name and require a new registration code. If you ever have to completely reload Convertz, you will need the registration code the first time you start the program.

The Convertz manual is provided in several different formats.
.doc - Microsoft Word document
.htm - html format that can be read with a web browser
(there are several supporting files that go along with this one)
.txt - standard text format
(this file does not have the graphics that are available in others,
use it as a last resort)

Chose the format that is easiest to use, and read the "Installation" section in the manual for further instructions on installing the Convertz program on the PalmOS(R) device.