Chapter 8. Selecting Preferences

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Global Preferences
Database Preferences

You can access global preferences from the Options/Global Prefs... menu, which, in turn, can be accessed from nearly all the windows in the application.

The Global Preferences window is in three sections: “Buttons”, “Actions” and “Display”. Upon opening the window, the “Actions” section is active. To change sections, tap on the button corresponding to the one that you want at the top of the window.

This section allows you to set the behaviour of Pilot-DB.

Global Preferences: Actions

Activate support for Global Find

This allows you to permit a record being searched from an application outside of Pilot-DB, such as the standard Find for the PalmOS.

Open Databases in Read/Write Mode

All the databases will be open by default in ‘Read/Write’ mode.

Using Filters if Possible

If the driver for the database allows you to use filters, a local search through the record list will be done through a filtered search rather than an incremental search.

Recalculate Everything After Editing

If you check off this box, after editing a record, all the calculated fields will be recalculated. This operation could take some time, so it is advised that you disactivate this option most of the time.

Run Plugins Automatically

This allows you to run plugins automatically when there is a change in window. You obviously need to be using a plugin of the ‘Automatic Action’ type.